The response of most civilians on my decision to join

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Narrow Gauge RR
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Post by Narrow Gauge RR »

It was a generalization....if we were at war with the Australians I would want to kill every shrimp grillin, croc wrestling, Foster's swillin' one of 'em that was a threat to the United States and our freedoms. My statement wasn't meant to offend non-terrorists and I don't believe it was worded that way. I respect the hell out of the fact that you immigrated here and served in the United States Army and would never want to insult you.
...I turned down their dope. And I turned down their stupid trends. And the hippies always hated me, because they were preaching peace and love and I was loading a .44 magnum.
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Post by blankenship »

The one main reason why I joined the service is because I feel I have to uphold the honor in my family last name. Blankenships have faught for this country since the very beginning, and I want to keep up the tradition. The second reason is because we were attacked. I want to contribute to the defense of this country against anyone who wishes to stop its progress.
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Post by Squigly »

I want to join because I feel 2-4 more years of college would be a waste of my time and money. I also feel that I could never really enjoy the freedoms we have until I have either lost them or defend them, and im not planning on losing them. Also we as a nation was attacked by the terrorist back in 93 when I was 7 and I didnt know what a terrorist was but when it happened on 9/11 I was 15 and a new member to the local Vol. Fire Dept Explorer post and heard that 343 brave fire fighters died that day trying to save lives, I want to get the jack offs that killed those fire fighters and the 60 police officers that were doing their job just like the rest of the people who were killed that day. I also dont want my kids to grow up and have to deal with terrorist trying to blow up things and kill them and their friends. I want to be a Ranger because I wont settle for anything but the BEST!
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Post by NoahH »

Im just a Newt so I hope it's okay if I take a stab at this.

The main reason I have for wanting to join is the brotherhood. The idea that there are people out there who actually care about the welfare of another person is completely beyond me. The only thing I see as a civilian is greed and disgust. I want to be a part of something special that is completely unparalleled.

And I want to do all the cool stuff like jump out of plans, climb mountains, and blow shit up.
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Post by LowCrawler »

I have said before that I want to join because I have grown sick of hearing of and seeing these brutal, anamalistic attacks on my country and her citizens. I feel morally obligated to stand up for my country when she is in danger. And i honestly belive that our very way of life is under an imminent threat from both inside our borders and out. I feel that it is my duty as a citizen of this country to help defend it.

I want to be a Ranger specifically because if I am going to lay my life on the line for something, I want to as prepared and well-equipped as possible. Simply put, I want to be the best.
I also wish to be a Ranger because i want the man next to me to feel as strongly as i do when my life is in his hands.
I remember being about 7 years old and reading the Ranger Creed. As soon as i read the words "Never shall I fail my comrades" I thought to myself "That is what I want to be." And I've never wanted to be anything else since then.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke

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Post by Ranger2 »

NoahH wrote:Im just a Newt so I hope it's okay if I take a stab at this.

The main reason I have for wanting to join is the brotherhood. The idea that there are people out there who actually care about the welfare of another person is completely beyond me. The only thing I see as a civilian is greed and disgust. I want to be a part of something special that is completely unparalleled.

And I want to do all the cool stuff like jump out of plans, climb mountains, and blow shit up.

The brotherhood is only found in the Rangers and other elite units. I have found it nowhere else. I have found it nowhere in the civilian world. I guess shared misery builds trust and a strong bond. I have some pretty amazing stories about the Ranger bond and what fellow Rangers will do for each other, even Rangers from 1st Batt. :lol: :lol:


Post by Bell »

NoahH wrote:Im just a Newt so I hope it's okay if I take a stab at this.

The main reason I have for wanting to join is the brotherhood. The idea that there are people out there who actually care about the welfare of another person is completely beyond me. The only thing I see as a civilian is greed and disgust. I want to be a part of something special that is completely unparalleled.

And I want to do all the cool stuff like jump out of plans, climb mountains, and blow shit up.
That is one cool post. Ya got me grinning Noah.

Double Edged Blade
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Post by Double Edged Blade »

Last edited by Double Edged Blade on April 20th, 2005, 3:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ranger Hopps
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Post by Ranger Hopps »

I joined for it all. I want the college money for my career. I want to impress women. I am one patriotic MOFO. I want to be a badass. I want to be part of something bigger and better. I want to protect this great nation. I want it all! Nothing short of the best will safice for me.

1/75 Feb. '05-Jul '08

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Ranger Saltbitch wrote: " will face fear and pain. Do not stop, do not listen; it will only give you excuses to quit."
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Ivory Gates
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Post by Ivory Gates »

I joined because I love our country with all my heart, and the thought that there are people out there that would harm our nation and its citizens, and happily tear apart the ideals of freedom and justice that this country stands for enrages me, and I will do my best to preserve our nation and way of life.

I want to be a Ranger specifically because I want to be the best soldier I can be and serve with others who want to do the same. I did not join for college money, or to go party in Korea like a lot of DEPs I've met think they are going to do, but to be an infantryman and destroy the enemies of my country, and I can't think of a better place to do that than in the 75th Ranger Regiment. I want to be in a unit that will take the fight to the enemy and kick the shit out of them.
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Post by Blacksrt4 »

Well since everyone eles is sharing, I might as well too.

I joined because, I have always pictured myself as being a soilder. I have always pictured myself as an infantryman. I also am very patriotic, and belive that joining in a way is honoring men that had to fight in the past for our freedom. Honestly the college money does not mean a lot to me, and the same goes for the entry bonus.

Post by Ranger2 »

Maybe there is hope for all of you anyway. At least you are saying the right things.

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Post by NoMoreRegrets »

Two words: SACRED HONOR.

The United States of America is the greatest country that has ever existed on the face of the Earth. Not because our military can kick ass and not because we are so wealthy that even our poverty-stricken have color television and pot-bellies, but it is because the USA has been the pioneer of human freedom, and because the USA remains today the vanguard of liberty for all mankind.

This country began in a time where, no matter where one was on this planet, one was the "subject" of another. One's life was not his own, ever, from cradle to grave. As the "subject" of some noble - whether evil or virtuous; whether gallant or prancing nancy-boy - one's life was indeed "subject" to the decisions or whims of another. One's life could be spared just as easily as it could be taken. One could be free to pursue his interests or relegated to a lifetime of servitude.

Such was the whole world during the 1700's when 56 brave men, representing many thousands of other brave men signed the Declaration of Independance. On July 4, 1776, these men boldly ventured where no man had ventured before - not just independance from the crown of England, but independance from subjugation to any man.
For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
And they did indeed give their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. And what they created must be preserved, for the sake of our country and for the sake of mankind. Some people might take inventory of the world and its democracies of various forms and take them for granted. They weren't always here. They are all new and they are here because of what happened that summer day in 1776.

But the world is full of the weak. Full of men who actually prefer subjugation because it requires nothing of them. Western society is failing because of its pathetic weakness and distaste for doing what needs to be done to preserve freedom. Many of those democracies have now been reduced to just window dressing where the voice and liberty of the people have been placed second to the "greater good" of the world as defined by a whole new kind of totalinarian system, and the people are willingly being lead back to the shackles. Today, even America is soft and, for now, politically unwilling to take the full-measure of actions necessary to preserve freedom.

It is therefore essential that all men with the capacity and ability to fight for the preservation of human freedom do so, in whatever way that they can. Someday those warriors will have reinforcements. Someday those warriors will be unleashed to their full-measure. Someday mankind will wake up and they will turn, again, to the USA, and the USA will come to the aid of the world and preserve freedom yet once more. So the USA will turn to its warriors, and its warriors will turn to the Rangers saying "Rangers lead the way..." and the Rangers will respond the those warriors, and the USA, and to the world now seeking to save its candy ass and say "All the way!"

That, my friends, is why I want to join and be there when the time comes. I want my children to experience freedom as I have experienced it. That, and also because it's a helluva lot more fun to run around in fatigues with some firepower in your hands cutting down baddies and blowing their shit up than it is to sit in a fucking 8x8 rectangular prison cell chained to a damn computer every day. :D
- better late than never.
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