VOTE on DEPshits fate...

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What should be done about the apathy displayed by the DEPshits?

Ban all the OPT 40 DEPshits (they obviously don't need our help)
Take away access to the OPT40 'Troll Hole'.
Revoke all OPT40 'L.A. priveleges' and give them to the newts.
Nothing, they are busy people with their own lives to live.
Total votes: 22

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Post by Rock Island Ranger »

Vapor Brain wrote:Ranger Abell9, are you currently open for volunteers to be 'mentored' by you?
Yup....didnt get any takers on the IPO. (Initial Public Offering) 8)
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Post by Vapor Brain »

Ranger Abell9, I would like to volunteer to be your apprentice.
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Post by Rock Island Ranger »

Vapor Brain wrote:Ranger Abell9, I would like to volunteer to be your apprentice.
Yep. Read your stuff....I live in Katy, played Lacrosse in Virginia (attack)and your in. Fire away under any forum. PM would probably be best....
RS Class # 7-76

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Post by BadMuther »

Abell9 wrote:There is a saying that you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
Don't anyone get your intestines in an uproar over this but, I dont like the DEP forum in any way. Good information has been put out. They take or they dont. Effort to "be there" was extended...they take it or they dont. If they what? Chances of anything close to a majority of them making it past RIP much less Batt, and Ranger School are slim. And you know what.....I want it that way. I personally dont care if they make it because if they dont, someone else who was more driven will make it.
The first Ranger I ever saw I was at Fort Benning at jump school. He was an E-6 and I stopped him and asked if I could talk to him. We sat at a picnic table for and hour and a half. He answered my questions, he gave me guidance, he was polite, professional, and direct. That made a large impression on me. If he would have jumped down my throat one of two things would have happened. I would have had my ass whipped or I would have whipped his. Regardless, my use for Rangers would have been "nil". But, because of his willingness to talk, his quiet professional way....I decided...I gotta be like that.
Since these guys (DEPS) are primarily high schoolers I can say with some authority that their main mission in life is getting laid, graduating, getting laid, maybe tieing on a drunk or two, hanging with their buds, getting laid, maybe playing some sports....and getting laid again. I did that, I want them to do it to. When things get serious AFTER they enter the service....they get deadly serious. They will take shit from people they dont know and dont want to know but HAVE to take it. In the end, this web page is just that....a web page. If a DEP wants answers, he can find it here...if he what?
Ranger Abell hit that one right on the head. Fucking A.
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Post by Squigly »

Ranger Saltbitch I voted for "Nothing, they are busy people with their own lives to live." because I do not know any one on this forum due to being here for the past 3-4 days and in those few days all I have done is read the topics about what it takes to become a Ranger. I have at the least a year and a half left before I ship and I plan on learning everything I can in that time about what I have to do to become a Ranger. These Deps like some one said before are still in highschool and are finshing school, I got another year. I would hate to come up with a question or not being able to learn about what I have to do to become a Ranger and not have a real Ranger able to answer the question for me, only after I do 200 push ups for asking.
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Post by MPC »

Ranger Saltbitch,

I voted do nothing. If people aren't motivated enough to take advantage of this site and the Rangers here then they aren't worth your time, to me it seems like if they're really interested in becoming a Ranger they'd take advantage of what is offered here. One of the problems I believe was that most of the DEPs were unfamiliar about this mentor program, several seemed to know about it but the majority didn't. Thats no excuse for not volunteering when asked to however.
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Post by blankenship »

I voted to revoke all OPT40 'L.A. priveleges' and give them to the newts. Because you Rangers gave us our chance now we will have to earn it back.

1)Why have only a few of you contacted the Rangers to be 'mentored'?

I think that we are not fully organzied as a team of Newts, DEPS, and OPT40's. Only a few took the initiative to tell others what was going on about the mentoring. I was not one of them, now I regret that I didn't help.

2)Why have you DEPshits, especially the OPT40's, taken little interest in this 'education process'?

Some of us DEP's and OPT40's do take interest in the education process. If there is a lack of us DEP's and OPT40's that are not involved in the process, this may mean some of us are unorganzied or not involving themselves with the board enough -like myself. That is where the mentoring helps. My mentor emphasized that I be more involved with the board. You Rangers have given us alot, now it seems we are not giving enough back.
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Post by Looon »

Abell9 wrote:There is a saying that you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
Don't anyone get your intestines in an uproar over this but, I dont like the DEP forum in any way. Good information has been put out. They take or they dont. Effort to "be there" was extended...they take it or they dont. If they what? Chances of anything close to a majority of them making it past RIP much less Batt, and Ranger School are slim. And you know what.....I want it that way. I personally dont care if they make it because if they dont, someone else who was more driven will make it.
The first Ranger I ever saw I was at Fort Benning at jump school. He was an E-6 and I stopped him and asked if I could talk to him. We sat at a picnic table for and hour and a half. He answered my questions, he gave me guidance, he was polite, professional, and direct. That made a large impression on me. If he would have jumped down my throat one of two things would have happened. I would have had my ass whipped or I would have whipped his. Regardless, my use for Rangers would have been "nil". But, because of his willingness to talk, his quiet professional way....I decided...I gotta be like that.
Since these guys (DEPS) are primarily high schoolers I can say with some authority that their main mission in life is getting laid, graduating, getting laid, maybe tieing on a drunk or two, hanging with their buds, getting laid, maybe playing some sports....and getting laid again. I did that, I want them to do it to. When things get serious AFTER they enter the service....they get deadly serious. They will take shit from people they dont know and dont want to know but HAVE to take it. In the end, this web page is just that....a web page. If a DEP wants answers, he can find it here...if he what?
I have been trying to stay out of this, but I gotta go with the Pastor of Disaster on this one as well.
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Re: VOTE on DEPshits fate...

Post by Ranger Hopps »

I voted to do nothing and let the DEPs live their lives

About a week ago Wiedert posted in the Troll Hole saying Where the fuck is all the DEPs most DEPs sounded off saying they are reading the forums, but don't post much. The DEPs are learning and keeping their mouth shut.
Saltbitch wrote: 1)Why have only a few of you contacted the Rangers to be 'mentored'?
The day the 'Sound off' posts started i got Ranger EarthPig as my mentor.

However i do like this mentoring thing, There has been quite a few times where i couldn't figure something out, ie using asmuth correctly on a map i didn't want to PM a Ranger, but not realling knowing how to approach one of you Rangers. Since Ranger EarthPig has become my mentor he has already broke the ice, and is incredible in his willingness to do his DAMNDEST to help me out with ANYTHING, this mentoring is a great idea!
Saltbitch wrote:2)Why have you DEPshits, especially the OPT40's, taken little interest in this 'education process'?

I think the DEPs here are learning, like it's best said almost everything has been asked and answered, we (DEPs) just need to keep reading.

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Post by EggMcMuffin »

Ranger Saltbitch, I voted to revoke Option 40 L.A. privileges and give them to the Newts. I don't think it should happen to all Option 40 DEPs though, just the ones that show a general lack of interest in the site. I also think that it shoud work in the same manner but oppositely for Newts. Those that prove to have a good attitude, good interest in the site, and an overall willingness to learn should receive the privileges. For the DEPs that just read, you could have an occasional "Sound Off Here" thread that is started by the DEP leader on a determined interval of time (Once a month for example.) for those that are participating in the site but just reading; the Rangers could establish the amount of time reasonable to respond, and you lose your privileges if you fail to sound off, not due to extenuating circumstances. It could be thought of as maintaning you certifications as such. I would also think that if you are a Newt granted with Option 40 privileges, you would also have to have the responsibilities of an Option 40 DEP. The reason I have not been volunteering to be mentored as a Newt is that I had been contacted previously by a Ranger that chose me to mentor.
Last edited by EggMcMuffin on May 4th, 2004, 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: VOTE on DEPshits fate...

Post by Nathan »

I voted to "Take away OPT.40 "Troll Hole" privelages." I don't know what goes on in there, but I don't really see how there could be many quality, or informative posts, such as the Rangers post. And personally I do think that the DEP's should be punished somehow for a "lack of motivation".
And the reason I didn't vote to give the Newts the privelage, is because I don't really think the Newts could post much better topics to be discussed.

Saltbitch wrote: 1)Why have only a few of you contacted the Rangers to be 'mentored'?
I am not a DEP, but everytime I have seen the offer, I have contacted the Ranger offering their knowledge.
2)Why have you DEPshits, especially the OPT40's, taken little interest in this 'education process'?
I am not a DEP, so I don't believe I can answer this question.
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Post by Joseph PrettyDeepWater »

Ranger SaltBitch I voted to revoke Option 40 L.A. privileges and give them to the Newts. It seems to me that lately the newts have been more interested in being mentored and learning about Rangers and the Ranger life style then the DEPs. Newts seem to respond faster and stay with the thread longer and ask questions.

Ranger Saltbitch wrote:
1)Why have only a few of you contacted the Rangers to be 'mentored'?

First off i'd like to say that it would be great to be mentored by a Ranger, but for 2 reasons I did not ask. The first is that I still have another year of highschool and wasn't sure if a Ranger would want to help me for over a year. Second is that I thought it was for DEPs only.

Ranger SaltBitch wrote:
2)Why have you DEPshits, especially the OPT40's, taken little interest in this 'education process'?
I cannot answer that because I am not a DEP.....Yet

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Post by Ray80 »

Ranger Saltbitch – I voted “Nothing, they are busy people with their own lives to live.â€
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Post by Silverback »

I feel like I should address the mentorship program (my perspective). The Preacher stated in another post that his first encounter with a Ranger was informative, cordial and positive. I would like to make it very clear to all who read this that...I offer my services in that same manner.

I did not make my offer to "Smoke" the DEPs. If I wanna smoke someone I'll just step outside and bring said smoke on some of the Troopers around me. The offer of mentorship is not a promise to make you successful, it is merely an offer to assist you in your journey and maybe help you see through the bullshit you may encounter enroute to your objective of becoming a Ranger.

Not to mention that I can sign for someone from the MP station!
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