VOTE on DEPshits fate...

General Discussions for all members.

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What should be done about the apathy displayed by the DEPshits?

Ban all the OPT 40 DEPshits (they obviously don't need our help)
Take away access to the OPT40 'Troll Hole'.
Revoke all OPT40 'L.A. priveleges' and give them to the newts.
Nothing, they are busy people with their own lives to live.
Total votes: 22


VOTE on DEPshits fate...

Post by Saltbitch »

It would appear, as my esteemed collegue Ranger CD stated, that you fuckers show ZERO interest in our help. Hence, we have been wondering why should we even show an ounce of interest in YOU? Further, why should you be allowed to 'hang out' in OUR fucking house?!

Here's what's gonna happen....
You will ALL vote, and explain your answers here. You will also post answers to the following questions as well:

1)Why have only a few of you contacted the Rangers to be 'mentored'?
2)Why have you DEPshits, especially the OPT40's, taken little interest in this 'education process'?

I will not accept any whining or excuses; and I will fucking VAPORIZE you if you reply with ' excuse, Ranger Saltbitch...' What I want, nay, DEMAND from you ALL, is a FUCKING EXPLANATION. DO NOT act like a pussy; DO NOT side-step the questions. If you do not post, you will be gone. If you vote, but do not post, you will be gone.

I am a harsh individual; but I am fair. I have been 'rough' with a few of you, but only to prepare you for success. If you think I'm mean, wait until you get to RIP; and if you survive (pass), wait until you get to BN. Rangers are harsh and abrasive, accepting ZERO defects among their own. The enemy will show you no mercy; neither will your team leader, and neither will I.

This gentlemen, is your final warning.

Post by Saltbitch »

Hmmm......15 veiws, one vote (no reply), and NO EXPLANTIONS. :x

You fools are about to pay. :? :x
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Vapor Brain
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Post by Vapor Brain »

Ranger Saltbitch, I voted "Revoke all OPT40 'L.A. priveleges' and give them to the newts." I did this because, from what I have seen, the newts seem to be much more involved/interested in this site than the DEPS, so I believe we are deserving of these privledges. My explanation for not contacting anyone to be mentored is as follows. Another message board I post at I met a Ranger and he has graciously accepted to answer any questions I have about the Army/Rangers. Also, I still have a year of highschool left and it will be at least that long, if not longer before I enter the Army. I feel at this time I do not need a mentor, but at a later date I will be definetley asking to be 'mentored'.
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Post by BadMuther »

I'm still trying to figure out what

"Revoke all OPT40 'L.A. priveleges" entails! :twisted:
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Gravity Man
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Post by Gravity Man »

Ranger Saltbitch,
1)Why have only a few of you contacted the Rangers to be 'mentored'?
I think that after all that we've heard before about volunteering, many of us including myself were hesistant when it came to Rangers asking for volunteers. This was set straight upon reading Ranger Earthpig's post here.
However, after the intel was leaked about your plans to mentor us, I cannot offer an explanation. I PMed Rangergronk about his contest for mentorship and also responded to Ranger Creeping Death's post upon my return from my track meet.
2)Why have you DEPshits, especially the OPT40's, taken little interest in this 'education process'?
Again I cannot answer for the whole, but I think a majority of us are eager, but not eager enough. For example, I ordered a Ranger Handbook off of eBay and have read through it several times but have been putting off actually memorizing things.

For screwing up and not taking advantage of the opportunities, I honestly think that the Newts should be given the chance to see what they can do. We had our chance several times and blew it. Hopefully they can make better use of the goods infront of them.
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Post by Vapor Brain »

Ranger Saltbitch, when a person becomes 'mentored', what all does that involve? Is it simply being able to ask any question you would like to the person, having the person give you advice, generally shooting the shit and getting the know the person? All of the above?
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Shallow Grave
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Post by Shallow Grave »

Ranger Saltbitch, I voted for Revoke all OPT40 'L.A. privileges' (I love the allusion to Pulp Fiction) because I think that nothing will change they apathy shown by DEP's unless punishment is rendered. Some Rangers here have stated that they didn't realize how good they had it in Regiment until after they were out. Perhaps the DEP's would also realize how good they actually had it only after they have lost the privilege of being educated by Rangers.

Secondly, I have not contacted any of the Rangers to be mentored because I will be living and working in a place this summer that has no internet access. I do not want to steal such a great learning tool from someone who could use it more than me.
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Post by rangercamaro »

Vaporbrain it involves anything that the mentoring Ranger deems needed by the DEP/Newt. If that Ranger decides to give assignments then they must be completed. Rangers on this board are way too busy to be here fuckin with you DEP/Newts when there are some people on here with their heads on straight. Rangers have BTDT and know the qualities, mind frame and attention to detail that is a MINIMUM for you all to make your dreams come true. We have stepped up to make you guys road a lil more predictable and in doing so, maybe a lil less stressed out. If you guys are not willing to put forth a lil effort now, YOUR ASS WILL NEVER MAKE IT TO RIP!!!!

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Post by Blacksrt4 »

I voted "Revoke all OPT40 'L.A. privileges' ", however I would say that the Revoking should involve only those who do not have mentors. Simply run a roll call that could extend a day or two( for those who dont always come here, or for those who do not have a mentor to find one ASAP). I belive the people who have been standing up voluntering even before knowing what it was for, have shown interest. But then again the hand of one is the hand of all. I posted a messege in the troll hole and it stated what is going on, I guess no one took advantage...
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To Ranger Saltbitch

Post by daveoskie »

Ranger Saltbitch, I am new to this forum, but this is not an excuse. I voted to let the DEPs live their lives, in part because I do not know any other DEP posters in here. I can only speak for myself, but assure you I will do what is needed from me from now on. I have heard very little about finding a Ranger mentor, or other subjects of that nature. Thank you for the post and bringing it to my attention.
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Post by Runner »

I decided to vote "nothing, they are busy people with busy lives" because it is true. Some of them may be finishing up highschool and other sorts of things and dealing with graduation and do not all have the time needed to use the internet that much. I do believe that they should start to try to get more involved. It doesn't make much sense that they're here in your house and for the help they need and don't really seem interested. Basically what I'm trying to say is that they need to get more involved, but with busy lives outside the internet, it's easy to understand why they haven't been too involved.

A co 3/75 '07-'10
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Post by Brat Attack »

Being a newer guy here I voted to let the DEPs live their lives. However, some do not show the spirt that others show. Most DEP's on here, from what I have read, are good people. They each have their own individual life right now, that is coming to a culmination, and a new life will take over soon. I honestly believe that most of the DEP's that cannot make a deadline on here honestly care alot about that. I can speak for myself, when I came on here and asked for the Columbo Cadence, I thought it was very cool for Ranger Odin'd Underling to give me an assignment to complete for the cadence. I think this teaches very valuable lessons. And It does indeed.

1)Why have only a few of you contacted the Rangers to be 'mentored'?
I do not know the guidelines for being 'mentored'. I now have made contact with a member on here to correct my error and become mentored, to learn the better things there are to life.
2)Why have you DEPshits, especially the OPT40's, taken little interest in this 'education process'?
I think the process ya'll have given us(the OPT40's) is priceless. I bask in the rays of the intel that is given here.
C Co. Hardrock 1/75
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My vote

Post by chukklehed »

I voted to revoke all privileges and give them to the newts. Why? Because I am a newt of course. I think; however, that only certain DEPs should have there privileges revoked and certain Newts given the new privileges. Deciding which DEPs/Newts that get privileges taken away/granted could be an assignment oppurtunity for a particularly unmotivated DEP as well.
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Post by Rock Island Ranger »

There is a saying that you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
Don't anyone get your intestines in an uproar over this but, I dont like the DEP forum in any way. Good information has been put out. They take or they dont. Effort to "be there" was extended...they take it or they dont. If they what? Chances of anything close to a majority of them making it past RIP much less Batt, and Ranger School are slim. And you know what.....I want it that way. I personally dont care if they make it because if they dont, someone else who was more driven will make it.
The first Ranger I ever saw I was at Fort Benning at jump school. He was an E-6 and I stopped him and asked if I could talk to him. We sat at a picnic table for and hour and a half. He answered my questions, he gave me guidance, he was polite, professional, and direct. That made a large impression on me. If he would have jumped down my throat one of two things would have happened. I would have had my ass whipped or I would have whipped his. Regardless, my use for Rangers would have been "nil". But, because of his willingness to talk, his quiet professional way....I decided...I gotta be like that.
Since these guys (DEPS) are primarily high schoolers I can say with some authority that their main mission in life is getting laid, graduating, getting laid, maybe tieing on a drunk or two, hanging with their buds, getting laid, maybe playing some sports....and getting laid again. I did that, I want them to do it to. When things get serious AFTER they enter the service....they get deadly serious. They will take shit from people they dont know and dont want to know but HAVE to take it. In the end, this web page is just that....a web page. If a DEP wants answers, he can find it here...if he what?
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Vapor Brain
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Post by Vapor Brain »

Ranger Abell9, are you currently open for volunteers to be 'mentored' by you?
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