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Post by BeerForMe »

I have to beg my mom to take me to training to run with the recruiters

fuck it...walk it..better yet run it...Your gonna do more rucking and running here pretty soon as it is..might as well get used to it

Re: no support...

Post by Saltbitch »

Shorebreak wrote:.
It is great that your family is behind you.
Yeah, with the family sedan! :lol:
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Post by Blacksrt4 »

ok this is my first post and im a DEP and my dad was in for 20 11b and man this is bullshit all you other DEP's get the fuck off the computer and go fuckin beat your face this is fuckin retarted you all ask the rangers how can i do this how can i be that SHUT THE FUCK UP im no ranger but i have been workin my ass off with my dad (drill sargent) goin to PT and all... stop bothering others and work work work stop askin stupid questions that could be fuckin answerd if you get off your lazy ass i have yet to see a DEP that shows any sign of intelligance yet...

Post by Spartan »

blacksrt4 wrote:ok this is my first post and im a DEP and my dad was in for 20 11b and man this is bullshit all you other DEP's get the fuck off the computer and go fuckin beat your face this is fuckin retarted you all ask the rangers how can i do this how can i be that SHUT THE FUCK UP im no ranger but i have been workin my ass off with my dad (drill sargent) goin to PT and all... stop bothering others and work work work stop askin stupid questions that could be fuckin answerd if you get off your lazy ass i have yet to see a DEP that shows any sign of intelligance yet...
Actually, there are quite a few intelligent DEPs on here. Welcome aboard.

So, tell us about your DEP contract - is it Option 40?

And tell us an entertaining story while you are at it.
Double Edged Blade
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Post by Double Edged Blade »

blacksrt4 wrote:ok this is my first post and im a DEP and my dad was in for 20 11b and man this is bullshit all you other DEP's get the fuck off the computer and go fuckin beat your face this is fuckin retarted you all ask the rangers how can i do this how can i be that SHUT THE FUCK UP im no ranger but i have been workin my ass off with my dad (drill sargent) goin to PT and all... stop bothering others and work work work stop askin stupid questions that could be fuckin answerd if you get off your lazy ass i have yet to see a DEP that shows any sign of intelligance yet...
Last edited by Double Edged Blade on January 3rd, 2004, 6:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ray »

Welcome to the site blacksrt4. I'm glad you're motivated, but many of us DEP's you called "lazy" are too. Some of us PT just as much as you and we feel the burining desire to wear the scroll, tab, and tan beret just as much as you as well. Yes, some of our fellow DEP's have posted some pretty dumbass posts in the past, but we are starting to help each other out instead of go at each others' throats. We leave that to the Rangers. In the past, I'd bet a million other DEP's would have got on here and started talking shit right back at you, but I understand why you're pissed. You just need to look around more and see that a lot of us DEP's also have some intestinal fortitude. Again, welcome.
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Post by Blacksrt4 »

well let me start off my giving a little more info about myself...well i do PT every day earley in the morning(but im still far from where i need to be) i ship 14sept. for basic...yes i have option i know im a dep just like everyone eles but what i noticed is every one askes these dumbass questions when the answers are right infront of them... i didnt call ALL of you dumbass's but if you cant take a little shit right now jesus...god have mercey on your fuckin soul im ready to be abused my dad is training me and im catchin hell and if you cant take a little "fuck you" now man your gunna FAIL cuz your gunna get that "fuck you" 24/7 for 4 weeks then when you get to a batt. you get it just as much then ranger shcool you get it again when/if you get back YOU might be good as long as you dont act to much like a FNG...i understand i have not done anything yet but i am training alot and getting ready mentaly aswell as phycicaly for what is to come basic/ait 17weeks(if your 11x) then 3 weeks airborne then 4 weeks of rip that alone is 24 weeks of that "fuck you" ... well i hate reading long messeges so i will keep it short if your training and squared away then disregared my words and i apologize (pansy)

Post by Spartan »

blacksrt4 wrote:well let me start off my giving a little more info about myself...well i do PT every day earley in the morning(but im still far from where i need to be) i ship 14sept. for basic...yes i have option i know im a dep just like everyone eles but what i noticed is every one askes these dumbass questions when the answers are right infront of them... i didnt call ALL of you dumbass's but if you cant take a little shit right now jesus...god have mercey on your fuckin soul im ready to be abused my dad is training me and im catchin hell and if you cant take a little "fuck you" now man your gunna FAIL cuz your gunna get that "fuck you" 24/7 for 4 weeks then when you get to a batt. you get it just as much then ranger shcool you get it again when/if you get back YOU might be good as long as you dont act to much like a FNG...i understand i have not done anything yet but i am training alot and getting ready mentaly aswell as phycicaly for what is to come basic/ait 17weeks(if your 11x) then 3 weeks airborne then 4 weeks of rip that alone is 24 weeks of that "fuck you" ... well i hate reading long messeges so i will keep it short if your training and squared away then disregared my words and i apologize (pansy)
Wow - you're doing PT every day? :roll:

The problem with your whole attitude here is that the 'shit' is not yours to give - it is only yours to receive. The people you are talking down to here will be your peers, well, actually most - those who will make it - will be in Battalion before you're even through with Basic. You don't know any more than the rest of the DEPs here, about how tough it will be in training, in Bn, in Ranger School, etc... and what is to be expected of you.

One thing that will be expected of you is that you work well with your peers. But if you think that just because you will have to put up with a lot of shit means that you're supposed to give each other shit the whole time, you could not be more wrong, or have a need to become squared away, because squared away is one thing you are NOT.
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Post by Ace »


You make me laugh. You need to get with the act. Just because your a DEP that works out every fucking day doesn't mean shit. Don't bring your ass in here saying people can't take a little "fuck you". Everyone swears they have it the worst when no one really does. All DEPs here have worked together to get over many bad past posting and kinship problems. As for your PTing and your dad giving you the "fuck you" to your face while you train doesn't mean shit to anyone here. The Rangers here have gone through things we can not even imagine as of yet, if ever.

Just incase your wondering what my PT is, it's either kicking ass or getting my ass kicked in the ring or out, till everything is blurry sometimes, and dealing with the inane idiots of Riverside county. This does not mean shit.

Therefore I just wasted everyone's fucking time trying to explain to you, that you are nothing, correction we are nothing. Therefore I apologize to anyone and everyone who reads this. In conclusion we work with each others to BE SOMETHING!. Your so Hooah then live by the televised motto AN ARMY OF ONE

So we straight Hooah?
"The Question is why not"
"Well, Why"
"I know it's in my heart and soul"
"And if you don't make it?"
"Thats not an option"

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Post by ImportsRsloths »

blacksrt4 wrote:i do PT every day earley in the morning
So what kind of PT numbers are you putting down? (2mile run, PU's, SU's)? :lol:
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Post by Blacksrt4 »

well I do PT with my Dad at Ft. Jackson , so that should tell ya its pussy basic training. Privates that go here are either supply or some other gay job. I can knock out a two mile in about 15:30, I can do about 35 pushups in two minutes (like i said i never claimed to be strong i just said im working alot) and I can do about 50 sit ups in two minutes ( im just skinny as hell and need to work my upper body like there aint shit ) if any one has any tips on how to increas upper body other than benching and pushups please do tell because i got until september 14

Post by BeerForMe »

blacksrt4 wrote:well I do PT with my Dad at Ft. Jackson , so that should tell ya its pussy basic training. Privates that go here are either supply or some other gay job. I can knock out a two mile in about 15:30, I can do about 35 pushups in two minutes (like i said i never claimed to be strong i just said im working alot) and I can do about 50 sit ups in two minutes ( im just skinny as hell and need to work my upper body like there aint shit ) if any one has any tips on how to increas upper body other than benching and pushups please do tell because i got until september 14
I have a couple of buddies at Ft Jackson right now that might take offense to what you said about their choice of mos being "gay". and as far as ur PT goes. You have along ways to go before you can talk shit to any other deps on this site. Do yourself a favor: sitdown, shutup and read before you step on you're sack and get banned for saying something stupid. You will find out pretty quick that the Rangers here dont like mindless posting and bs.

Post by Saltbitch »


DAMN, those are some wicked-sick numbers you are putting up in your PT. And by wicked-sick, I mean you must be dying of malaria. And by dying of malaria, I mean YOU REALLY SUCK.

And to think, you came on here woofin' shit to other Deps. Let me clue you in: By doing so you have just proven to be the weakest link in the Depshit chain. Now PUSH, WEAKLINK! :x
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Post by Blacksrt4 »

I am doing PT so I can improve on my numbers I just DEP'ed in on the 5th. Im sure I will have better numbers for you all come September.
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