
This Archive will be used for Future Soldiers and Civilian Introductions 6 months old and older

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Post by adamshane80 »

My name is Adam, I'm 19 years old. I'm going to take my ASVAB and physical tomorrow. My goal is to become a Ranger.
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Re: Adam

Post by adamshane80 »

Not only have I been working my ass off to get in shape, but I've been doing a lot of research on what it takes to become a ranger. I took my ASVAB and physical and got an 88 with a GT of 129 and my PULHES is all 1's. I'm under no impression that this is going to be easy, but I think I have what it takes to be a ranger. I'm picking my job this next friday, going to try and get 11b with Airborne and HOPEFULLY an option 40, but from what I've read so far it seems extremely difficult to acquire the option 40. My buddy just got his job and he got the option 18x. I said good luck with the 2% success rate.
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Re: Adam

Post by goon175 »

Capitalize Ranger.

Not sure where you picked up your little 2% success rate statistic, nor do I care. But if you think that the Ranger route is the "easy" route as opposed to the 18x program, you are dead wrong. They are two different paths to two completely different objectives. They are both arduous to say the least. All I am getting at, is that you are in for a rude suprise if you think you are taking the easy route. As a recruiter, I will get guys who come in saying I want to do "x" because I don't think I would make it in "y". My response to them is that unless you have the attitude that you can make it in any MOS, unit, etc. than I don't want you and you likely will not make it into whatever it is you think you can get into. I had a CSM who once said that "if you gave a squad of Rangers a TM (technical manual) on an F-16, they would have it up and flying by the end of the week". As a Ranger you have to have the attitude that you can take on anything, no obstacle is too high, and no challenge too great. I firmly believe that the majority of the Rangers that I have served with could hold there own in any selection course, unit, MOS, or whatever.

The physical aspect is only a portion of the challenge you have ahead. If you don't have the right attitude and demeanor, you will never make it.
"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
-Theodore Roosevelt

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Re: Adam

Post by adamshane80 »

I appreciate the words of wisdom. I'm going in tomorrow to pick my job.

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