Egypt army to 'use force to clear protesters'

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Egypt army to 'use force to clear protesters'

Post by Chiron »

Egypt's ruling military council has said it would clear protesters from a central Cairo square with "firmness and force".
Speaking at a news conference on Saturday, a senior military officer blamed trouble in Tahrir Square on "elements that backed the counter-revolution", a reference to people loyal to the administration of deposed President Hosni Mubarak.

"Tahrir Square will be emptied of protesters with firmness and force to ensure life goes back to normal," the council's Major General Adel Emarah said.

Responding to Emarah's remarks, protester Zain Abdel Latif in Tahrir said: "If they use force we will use force. This isn't Libya, where the army can just attack us."

"The military council is part and parcel of the corrupt regime. It is made up of heads of the army that have benefited from Mubarak and his 30 years of robbing the Egyptian people," said Abdullah Ahmed, 45, a protester in Tahrir.

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Re: Egypt army to 'use force to clear protesters'

Post by Slowpoke »

I tried using The Force against the Viet Cong......5.56 works better.
I never wore a cape, but I still have my dog tags.

Experienced Peek Freak!!

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