Just a'bout sick of people right now..

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Just a'bout sick of people right now..

Post by blueskiesalways »

So..The kids heading back to Afghanistan tomorrow..don't panic no OPSEC worries...The next kid heading there soon..no comment on that...I'm JUST SOOOOO SICK of people who don't give a fk..Yeah, I get it...Doesn't really impact their life..but hey..you "SORRY MF's"....who in the hell do you think is keeping this shit off your door step???...just sayin"
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Re: Just a'bout sick of people right now..

Post by blueskiesalways »

Ughhhh..Sorry about that. just so you know where that came from...I have the 1st Batt and 3rd Batt Scrolls on the back window of my truck..out of pride for my kids & respect for our military. Just ran into some bleeding heart liberal MF at a gas station who wanted to discuss the scrolls and expound upon his sorry, fat ass, non serving...(yup. I asked), NEGATIVE opinions regarding our military ...not the right time to take up that conversation up with me..Actually given his dumb ass... the right time is NEVER with me...Do you know how long it takes to put $83.00 freakin' dollars in your vehicle????...UUUGGGGGGH...PEOPLE.
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Re: Just a'bout sick of people right now..

Post by Rangerguru »

The best response for those kind of people is a well placed throat punch.
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Re: Just a'bout sick of people right now..

Post by RagNar3/75 »

Yeah there are a lot of anti war fucks that live here in this town and the other day while my wife, son, and I were at Arby's some dumb ass asked what the sticker on the back of my tahoe meant. Now let me just say this, the GD sticker SAYS "Give War a Chance". What the fuck do you think that means? Then he went on asking if I really stand by what that sticker says. I agree with Rangerguru on this issue about the well placed throat punch, or a good monkey stomp into the damn curb.
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Re: Just a'bout sick of people right now..

Post by goon175 »

I love that sticker, have it on my durango and hung up in my office. When asked things like "do you really stand by what that sticker says?" I think the Navy recruiting poster says it best: Peace doesn't preserve itself.
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Re: Just a'bout sick of people right now..

Post by fatboy »

The best response you could give someone in that situation is to look them square in the face and quote one of the guys from action figure therapy: "I'm going to butt-fuck your soul".

Then kick him (or her) right square in the crotch and walk away.
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