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Post by Glock »

What are some of the bullshit remarks your friends and family say to you When they find out you joined the Army? I get tired of hearing " Only stupid people fight", " Why do you want to go get killed", " You just made the biggest mistake of your life" , and " Don't shoot ( while they put their hands up)".

Post by kduhg »

I've experienced many bullshit remarks from many people just many of you probably have. Some remarks I got were: "Don't you get raped in the Army?" "The Army is full of gays" "You'll be a General's bitch" "Isn't the Army there just for you to get buff?" "If you join the Army, you will be low-class" "There's no point in joining the Army" "Only druggies join the Army" "Robots are going to fight wars instead of men in ten years I bet" "Why don't you just go work at McDonald's and wear an Army uniform" And the list goes on. My dad even said he'd disown me if I'd join the Army (not sure if he will but i doubt it). My mom won't even let me watch Black Hawk Down unless I promise not to join the Army.

Post by BigMike1883 »

Well, I've yet to join due to some personal issues, but I have talked about it with my family. My sister was enlisted for 4 years and she told me that I have no chance at getting through basic because I have an attitude problem, or so she says. My Mom told everyone at our church that I want to be a power ranger, then proceeded to laugh and poke fun. My Dad told me that the day I get to regiment is the day he will need viagra, I just hope he knows that's sooner then he thinks.


Post by DocHoliday »

Man I'v been told so much crap. "Why did you join, now Bush owns you".."Why are you going to go fight Bushes War?".."The military is full of fags".."Your going to get shot and bleed to death".."Your going to drop the soap and get raped"......I can go on and on..But I dont say anything because I know I'll be serving my country..and I have the balls to go out and risk my life for this country.. All I have to say to those that talk shit about the military is a big "FUCK YOU".
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Post by BigShooter »

all those morons that make fun of us are the ones who are too pussy to sack up and do it themselves. so fuck them, we can take pride in our decision.

Post by Glock »

"O my God, didn't you see Black Hawk Down?" O well, thats the first time that I've heard that one. Some other one's I've been told lately are. " Be careful, the Army doesn't have soap on a rope like the USMC, don't drop your soap." " You haven't left yet, there's still time to get out." " Nice knowing you." " You have no idea what your getting into" (told to me by someone that has worked at a sporting goods store ever since he was in high school). " Can I have your girlfriend when you leave." " If your going to join the military at least join a real branch, the USMC."

I think I've heard them all, but there are some people out there that are proud of our decision, but I seem to remember the negative comments more than the good ones. My family thinks I made a good decision about joining, what about yours?

Post by Tool175 »

Wow, I do not understand why someones family would give you such shit. Don't believe a word of it, they are speaking in ignorance. You want to be a Rgr and the majority of people respect that, I would say they are speaking also out of jealousy. They will see the end result and will then shut the fuck up. When everyone else is struggling in life you will take the hardships you endured in Bn and look aat what life throws your way and will laugh. Keep the faith, kick ass and take no prisoners. Good luck, now get down you cherries.
The Tool, RLTW!!!

Post by Glock »

Ranger Tool, my family is happy with my decision. I was just asking what the other DEPer's families think about them joining. My friend joined the Air Force and his family was pissed. They told him that he just ruined his life. He was pretty sad for about a week or so then his family said they were sorry and that they will support him.
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Post by Mangino2424 »

Its so good to talk with a bunch of people like you guys. All i here is your going to die and iam so sick of the stuck up hippies that live out here in California. i can't wait till i get to RIP so i can see what iam made of and prove all these pussies wrong. these are the first encouraging things i have heard about the army in a long time and its good to know there are these kind of people enlisting.
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Post by Earthpig »

My wife , kids, and I were travelling around central Texas a couple weekends ago and stopped at a restaurant for lunch. We had a nice meal and when we went to the register to pay our waitress she said," You were in the military, weren't you?" I answered in the affirmative and inquired why she had thought I was . She said, "you can always tell a military person by the way they carry themselves...they just have more class than civilians."

Kind of a dumb, fluffy story, but the point is, there are many people out there who DO care. Every time I go somewhere with a Ranger t-shirt on, every single time, I get stopped by someone who has a positive comment to make about Rangers or about being a vet. My wife usually just stands there patiently waiting for me to politely disengage from the stranger.

I'd say for every liberal pussy out there who shuns you for enlisting, there are probably at least five people who are completely supportive and thankful for your sacrifice. If we didn't have young people like you guys, who are willing to sign at least 4 years of their life away and possible give everything for their country, we wouldn't be the country we are.

Good luck to all of you. Oh yeah...I never heard Tool say recover, so you better be banging them out.
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Post by Ray »

Hey guys,

i was on here months ago but i haven't had any time to talk on here (new job as bus boy)

Anyway, in response to Glock's topic, my parents give me TONS of shit about joining the army, especially wanting to serve in the ranger regt. they just gotta realize that this is what i want to do with my life instead of college.
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Post by PaleHorseRider »

ROFL.....power ranger...that sucks dood, i woulda told her to STFU, if she as seriosuly makin fun of me, but thats just the way i was brought up, to take no shit.
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Post by DGhost »

only shit i got from anyone was my sister saying "Army? Army!? ARMY!?"

but, thats because she is an AF Cpt. at the moment (and I came from an AF family - father flew F4's). heh heh. that lasted until I mentioned the Rangers. at which point in time she got kinda quiet and pretty serious about it. she still does randomly throw out an "Army!?" to screw with me... hehe

other than that my family has been very supportive, as have my friends (thats cause they are FRIENDS, not some asswipes that i wouldn't trust with my life or well being).

anyways... back to the leaning rest....
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Post by Freed Y »

My mom doesn't want me to join the military but my dad thinks it's a good idea. Actually, the only people in my whole family who oppose me joining the military are the women. My grandfather was in the navy during WW2 and he is very supportive of me joining the army, but all my aunts and my mom think I'm going to ruin my life. My older brother always thought highly of the military until a marine recruiter kept calling him even after he told the guy to fuck off at least 3 times. Some people say to me "Why do you want to join the army, you die and shit, and you like, only like, get paid like, I don't know like, $50 a year, yeah, so, thats gay" or "The military is only for people who are afraid to make a living in the real world". Just tell those people to fuck off.
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