Introduction - Ralph

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Introduction - Ralph

Post by datageek »

Hello my name is Ralph I am 20 years old, I am currently in the process of enlisting in the Army after requesting a DEP discharge from the Navy. My Navy Recruiters did not honor my DEP discharge request and held me until my ship date (today). I still don't know if not shipping out for navy = immediate discharge but hopefully that is the case as I can not wait to get the process ready for the Army. :)

First a little about myself, my hobbies are learning about Computers & Communication, I am currently enrolled in College and persuing an Associates in IT.

My ASVAB score was a 75, I am not sure if my GT score was 110 though I will try and get that confirmed ASAP. I want to be either a 25b/25n/25u with option 40.

I have never really been much of a runner, I was more into weight lifting which right now I regret neglecting cardio.

I have administered a PT test with the help of a friend at my college's track
43 Pushups
49 Situps
16:50 2 mile run
(btw I currently weigh 190 lbs@5'8 and cutting weight so i expect my Push ups and Sit UPs too go up and my Running time down as I train during DEP)

My current Routine is jogging 3 miles everyday and "Starting Strength" Monday Wednesday and Friday.

My goal is to be in the best shape and maxing out a PFT before I even ship out which I am confident of achieving given that the average ship out date for the army is 5-6 months.
Posts: 3
Joined: July 15th, 2012, 3:24 am

Re: Introduction - Ralph

Post by datageek »

Ranger ZoneIV

Thanks for the welcome

The whole deal with the Navy was my fuckup.They job-locked to this rate and they did not even give me anything else to choose from. I caved in to pressure from the liason and my Navy recruiter and signed for a rate that I did not want. My Army recruiter claims I will be either auto-discharge after today or Worst case scenario they will withhold me for 364 days.

I can not tell in which sense you are using"available" as in "vacancy" or "eligible"
I have searched this site as well as google and what source is better than ... uiting.htm
It lists 25b,25n,25u.

I agree, my current shape is shit and I want to correct that. I will crank up the speed and reps.
Posts: 3
Joined: July 15th, 2012, 3:24 am

Re: Introduction - Ralph

Post by datageek »

ZoneIV wrote: Have you spoke with your NAVY Recruiter?
Ranger ZoneIV

I have talked to my Navy recruiter last month when I asked for the discharge and I asked him for my DEP discharge in writing. He says there is no DEP discharge papers that are issued, that I am just off DEP and that is it. My Army recruiter says that if was discharged, MEPS would comfirm it and when the word came back from MEPS, I was still in Navy DEP. According to I am auto discharged from DEP if I do not ship out. According to my Army recruiter he says that is possible and might be the case. He also mentioned that Navy Recruiters can "extend my shipdate" without my consent to prevent me from joining other branches. But after a couple days after I requested a DEP discharge, the Recruiting Station's Chief called me asking me to do him a favor to fax him a handwritten statement saying iI wanted to "extend my shipdate to take care of personal matters" so that another recruit could take my spot and that after that I could just "not ship out" and forget about the Navy. This kind of Contradicts everything I've been told or researched. My Army recruiter told me that is BS and not to comply with his request.
ZoneIV wrote: This is a link I was reading so there is a disconnect since it does not state 25N. I cannot tell you about availability nor what Skill Levels they are looking for with regards to these MOSs.

Disconnect? Does that mean we are getting different pages?

After googling around I've seen some recruits nabbing Option 40 at MEPS for 25B(the MOS i am interested in the most) I will research more to see if anyone has nabbed 25n/25u with option 40.

Physically I am healthy, my only flaw is that I wear glasses, but they are correctable to 20/20.
I am willing to do whatever it takes.

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