Introduction - Craig

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Introduction - Craig

Post by Magnet »

Afternoon Rangers,

My name is Craig, I just turned 19 and graduated high school last academic year. I worked 6 months in the West cowboying for a ranch, I'm currently working with an energy consultant company that allows me to travel all over the East coast and Midwest, and gives me plenty of downtime to do PT.

I've decided it was time for me to actually start getting a move on with my life and stop pissing it away. When I get back to my home town I'm going in to talk to a recruiter, obviously I'm wanting a Option 40 and won't take anything but it. I'm in decent physical shape, but will be kicking it into high gear in order to pass my APFT with flying colors, and nothing less.

Rangers, I thank you and all other active and veteran members for their service to our country.

I'm dedicated to becoming a Ranger, and I will NEVER quit.

Time to shut up, search, read and PT.

Craig H.

P.S. Moderators/Admins, is my avatar OK? The "Non-Rangers: Username and Avatar Selection" thread said to select an avatar from the 'Newt' gallery, which apparently doesn't exist in my public gallery.
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Re: Introduction - Craig

Post by RagNar3/75 »

Welcome buddy. I hope everything works out for you with the enlistment. Make sure you're working on the run, pushups, situps, pullups, and your comfortable swimming in "bdu like clothes" and boots.
Bravo Company 3/75

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