Update on my son’s enlistment

Questions and Answers about obtaining an Option 40 Contract and other routes to serving as a Ranger in the US Army.
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Joined: March 9th, 2011, 3:53 pm

Update on my son’s enlistment

Post by PTB1008 »

To make a (very) long story short, my son started talking to the recruiter around march this year, after a lot of visits, huge headaches, couple of “fights” (our recruiter was nice and polite but his team leader was the rudest disrespectful person in that office), saying no to couple of contracts offers, he managed to make a reservation on Monday Sept 25 for an 11Xopt40, and yesterday he got sworn in (after a 2nd physical because the one they did was more than 30 days od).

His ship date is 20120724. :?: insert mixed feelings here :?:

I feel proud.
(and the same time kinda speechless, which some men would find rare in a woman! I better say that myself before some think it –I have read those meanie jokes posted at the jokes place!!-.
Blame it on the fact that he is my first born, or simply because I am a "woman", but I find it hard (or impossible) to even think I need to let go (which I don’t think I can ever totally do even when he does cut his side of the cord) :? .

And I will keep quiet now… because it is starting to become not a so short story... (I did try though!)
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