Letter from Hemorrhage

Commo from our members who are in OSUT, Jump School, RIP, Ranger School, etc.
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Letter from Hemorrhage

Post by Earthpig »

Here's a letter I recently received from Hemorrhage:

Ranger EarthPig-

It's week two, day three right now (Sunday) and tomorrow is the NBC chamber. Next time I write, I'll let you know how that went. Tomorrow is also when we start road marching. It's only 2 miles, but it'll be good to see how the ruck feels, how others handle it, and get the overall feel of the ruck, LCE, K-Pot, and rifle.

I saw Hopps at Reception. We talked and hung out at the 30th AG. That's about all you can do there, but then I'm not sure if he shipped to this company since I haven't seen him.

I do see Fulano and Placebo is in my platoon. When the Drill Sgt.'s asked for who was prior service, Placebo told them and he became the unofficial platoon bitch. All the dummy cards, equipment, and labeling of equipment was done by him. It's good though, since he knows what's going on.

Today (Monday) is my birthday: the big 1-8! I got to spend it in the gas chamber. Sucked real bad when I was in it, but felt great to get out. No big deal.

Tuesday: We were issued our M16 A4's and had a D&C competition. Results are pending, but we did pretty well.

Everything is going pretty good. OSUT is more or less what I expected: more personal, less strict. I'll write of more training when I receive it.

Always remember: BROS BEFORE HOES.
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