For some reason...

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For some reason...

Post by Jim »

A friend sent this to me on 11 November, Just wanted to share his thoughts.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I want to thank each and every one of you for your hard work during the last 2 years of the "Election Season". I also want to congratulate each and every one of the winners in their respective races. Public life is a very trying event that never seems to have a moment to breath or slow down and just relax and think right. As a life long public servant, not elected, I can tell you that, even at my level, the intensity of this 2 year "Election Season" has been frighteningly high and I believe some folks could suffer health issues because of the pace and intensity of the individual political races. But, I guess that's politics. If you can't handle the heat, well, get out of the kitchen.

Something very interesting, to me, happened during this 2 year "Election Season". I witnessed an extraordinary Media Moment (which lasted for 2 years). I have not seen a media bombardment of the public like we saw in this country for the 2 year "Election Season" since I left Europe, the old Soviet Union, the Middle East and Afghanistan. In those areas, and areas that exist just like them, the media is used to help create political environments that make the people believe what they wouldn't normally believe. The media is used like a weapon against the people as well as a somewhat entertaining medium.

Just a couple ideas for you to think about:
1. For some reason the Election Season lasted for 2 long years.
2. For some reason, even though the normal expense for media airtime is out of this world, media airtime was available for at least 1 Presidential candidate at will.
3. For some reason, unusually high dollar amounts of unaccountable dollars were donated to candidacies using non-accountable credit cards.
4. For some reason, media bias went unchecked until after the election and the media outlets checked themselves.
5. For some reason, there are no apparent laws against media moguls getting together and over-weighting reporting, stories, commentary, pundents, and paid advertising.
6. For some reason, Obama chose private funding and McCain picked public funding knowing that he was going to get hammered by a bought and paid for media blitz. And McCain never once put it in this context.
7. For some reason, a decision was made either by the collaboration of the media moguls or public officials or quite possibly both, since one can't really happen without the other, that it was in the best interest of the country for Obama to win.
8. For some reason, no one chose to use the information about the science that we have known for years equating mass media bombarding with underground hypnosis or brain washing. This act is used around the world (using far more professional terms than I know). It was never brought up that it might be deliberate.
9. For some reason, the American people were not able to connect the dots when the media operation was being run against them.
10. For some reason, the American people were told that McCain couldn't win if the economy became the issue. And, wouldn't you guess, the economy collapsed. Not so so bad that it's not fixable but enough that the media blitz created the disaster intent.
11. For some reason,

I'll stop at these few items. There are quite a few more. Especially the media blitz for the Anti-Iraq War and the increase and decrease in oil prices. So we are very clear, I do not believe in Conspiracy Theories. I do believe all that occurred was planned and executed intentionally to misuse the media capabilities to overwhelm the American and Worldwide audience. I don't believe in a "Sour Grapes" concept because an honest challenge did not occur between candidates. The challenge was regulated at some of the highest and most powerful elements of the media, probably with public officials, or former public officials, involved. These individuals know precisely what the laws are and how they can get around them through slimy loop holes that they helped create. In fact, for the most part, I don't think any major laws or regulations were broken because the same people that helped formulate the laws and regulations are the same ones that built in the loop holes. Regardless of how the next four years work themselves out it is clear that some folks "in the know" created an election with a particular outcome in mind, knew that the total voting population was important, knew the weight and value of the Electoral College, and against the fairness to the American public proceeded on a media induced brainwashing voyage aimed at the Voting American public to affect the outcome of elections over a 2 year Election Season. This part is true. The actual mechanisms that were used are not always completely evident.

So what next? For now it is impossible for the American public to do anything.....almost. Any voice in opposition will be added to the "spin" of news which, using the same media processes, will squash opposition to this method of population and mind control to elicit a particular outcome. So here is what is happening. A wave of popular opinion at the grass roots level is being pushed in opposition to what "The Zookeepers" (public officials) and the Media Moguls (the weapon of choice) released onto the American and Worldwide public. We are not buying anything that we don't absolutely have to have. We are not spending any money on any item unless we deem it absolutely necessary for existence. We are not going to borrow money for any reason not understood as essential. And our investing will be minute at best. Do the numbers. Nearly 150 million folks voted in this last election. Half is 75 million. McCain lost by 6-10 million leaving around 69 million folks who will at least be participating in this event of not buying and spending. It's the least we can do to try and get our finances under control. Some folks don't have money to spend. But the rest are making a conscious decision not to spend any money at all unless it is absolutely necessary.

Something happened during this 2 year Election Season that many Americans are not quite smart enough or in the know enough to put their finger on it. But we are smart enough to know that something was a little screwy if not illegal and our only recourse is to shut down our giving money to any of you til it is fixed. There is a reason why Nancy Pelosi wants a media fairness type of law. It's not to close down Conservative Talk Radio, although I believe she might like to, but I believe in a fit of Conscience she realized what was going on and actually knew the media was being used as a weapon against the American people and that needs to stop. There is a very real difference between "Freedom of the Press" and using the press/media as a weapon of choice against the American and World public.

Thank you all for your service to America. Change is coming but it may be a little different than you planned.
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Horned Toad
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Re: For some reason...

Post by Horned Toad »

Jim wrote:There is a reason why Nancy Pelosi wants a media fairness type of law. It's not to close down Conservative Talk Radio, although I believe she might like to, but I believe in a fit of Conscience she realized what was going on and actually knew the media was being used as a weapon against the American people and that needs to stop. There is a very real difference between "Freedom of the Press" and using the press/media as a weapon of choice against the American and World public.
I cant believe that pelosi would have a fit of conscience about anything
75th RGR RGT 91-94
RS 03-92
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