Crossed the Line

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Crossed the Line

Post by Mule »

I've come to notice that I have been annoying and offending some of the Rangers and veterans on this site. I never meant to offend anyone, especially people who I respect, with any of my comments. I have offered my opinion on subjects I know nothing about and don't understand. I've talked bad about our President when it is not the time nor the place to do so. I have been an overall nuicance to the Rangers and members of this site. My intentions for coming here were to learn and listen, but it seems I have been talking more than listening.
I would like to say I am sorry and that I've learned my lesson; to keep my mouth shut when I have no idea what I'm talking about. I will be doing pushups and working my ass off for a week, so maybe I will have squared myself away before I get flushed from this site. To those who wonder, I consider myself an independant with open eyes. Again, sorry.


Re: Crossed the Line

Post by Spartan »

Mule wrote:I've come to notice that I have been annoying and offending some of the Rangers and veterans on this site. I never meant to offend anyone, especially people who I respect, with Almost Every Single Motherfucking Comment I make on this site. I have offered my opinion on subjects I know nothing about and don't understand, because I have yet to experience the real world yet, outside of my mundane youthful existence. I've talked bad about our President when it is not the time nor the place to do so as it is difficult for others to hear me talking when I have my head four feet up my ass. I have been an overall nuicance to the Rangers and members of this site, and practically all other oxygen consuming organisms on the face of the earth. My intentions for coming here were to learn and listen, but it seems I have been talking more than listening.

I would like to say I am sorry and that I've learned my lesson; to keep my pie-hole shut when I have no fucking clue whatsoever about what I'm talking about. I will be doing pushups and working my ass off for a week, so maybe I will have squared myself away before I get flushed from this site. To those who wonder what on earth I could possibly have been thinking with my inane drivel, I consider myself an independant with open eyes. Again, I'm one sorry-assed individual.

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Joined: February 13th, 2004, 12:59 pm

Post by Vee »

Thanks, Spartan....for clearing that up. I was having a hard time understanding him.

But then.........I always do have a hard time understanding him.
RSD 96-99
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