Equipment Malfunction

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Re: Equipment Malfunction

Post by NeverSayDie »

Update: Got the computer back online (for now). Its working ok. I can't access the web wirelessly but I can still do my class work as long as its plugged into the wall.
DangerClose wrote:I'm an IT guy (for money) - give more details about your windows issue - I've been running WIN7 on multiple notebooks (even gateways with more time in service than you) and never had issues - check some tech forums or give more details
Ranger DangerClose,

I use an LG X120 Netbook. it runs on Windows7 starter. I bought it 3 1/2 months ago. About 3 weeks ago the processor speed started slowing so I called tech support. The only problem they Identified was that it was duplicating the Microsoft ISATAP adapter program, and the toredo tunneling interface program. The original assumption was that windows update was loading the programs into my computer on top of one another so I disabled automatic updateing and opted for manual but the problem kept persisting. So I did a system restore (backed up directly after being taken out of the box) and checked the programs again, and the duplicates where still there. Up untill this point I would have ocassional trouble accessing the web, but it still ran fine. To keep it operational I moved all my class files onto a flash drive and would do a system restore, disk defrag & disk clean up every 24-48 hours, this managed the problem as far as I could tell. Then on monday the whole screen just flashed green and went dead. Everytime I turned it on I would have 2-3 minutes before it did it again. Today I managed to keep it on long enough to do yet another system restore and its working ok.
Lunch wrote: NSD: you MUST not fail at completing your course work. Rather than scraping together the cash to buy a warranty, I recommend you focus on getting the cash to pay off your library debt so you can use their computers. I won't make assumptions about your lifestyle and expenditures or question how you are currently managing your finances, but think long and hard about the difference between wants and needs. We're talking about the rest of your life here.
Roger Ranger Lunch, I will not fail my courses.

The cost of the warranty is less than that of my library dues, And the county only lets everyone use the computer for one hour each day, before locking you out of the system. I could use the library as an supplement, but its not a vaible option for my main source of web access.
Mentee to Ranger K.Ingraham

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