Commissioned Officers Question - Why aren't they liked?

Questions and Answers about obtaining an Option 40 Contract and other routes to serving as a Ranger in the US Army.
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Post by RgrHunter »

It's not just CO's that can be despised. It's mostly ANY arogant asshole that comes to ANY unit thinking they know how to do shit and do it better. "Back in division" or "This is the way we used to do it" or "Thanks Sergeant but this is the way I want to see it done next time cuz it works better" are all to common, inexcusable excusses for poor leadership and lesser amounts of control, that officiers to often use. I don't care who the fuck you are you had better listen to your NCO's and other soldiers that have been around for a while. This goes for the newest cherry rippee all the way up to the BN Commander.

the CO's are the primary discussion leaders and moderators during AAR's and they use this as a time to try and show how much they know in an attempt to gain the confidence of the Company. Not so much. Constructive critisism is greatly appreciated but without it bieng "I'm greater than you" type remarks and attitudes.

This applies, probably, more heavily in RGT than other units. For the most part, the O's just let the NCO's do there job and stay out of the business in which they have no part in anyway. But semi-frequentlly you get a fired up PL or CO or BCO that think they are going to win some award for their AAR comments or 'command decisions'. It's men like that that need to watch where they go on the weekend.

I don't know what it is, but the majority of these 'problem children' seem to come from West Point. Now don't get me wrong, the USMA is a great institution and learning forum, but they seem to breed a certain type of attitude. On the flip side, some of the finer O's I have had the pleasure of working with, have also come from West Point. They kept there mouth shut and let me do my thing.

My final note and then I'll shut up......As previouslly mentioned above, a good leader doesn't worry about what his subordinates think of him. They are proud to be in charge/command of such fine individuals and see everyday in that position as a privledge. As you progress do not ever forget that. If you ever get lucky enough to find yourself in the RGR RGT, you will know what I mean.

that is all.

Rgr Hunter
Bco/HHC 1/75-'97-'03
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Post by smokn38 »

I hated one in particular because he shit his pants one night and soiled his snivel gear. I am sleeping all warm and cozy in the woods, and the prick stole mine. I got him back at a later time, I doubt he will ever steal anothers clothing again.
HHC 1/508th Panama 1989-1990
HHC and A Co 1/505th 1990-1992
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Post by RgrHunter »

Not the first time Airrborne. The NCO's have a little saying "Iwill not use my grade or position..."

I'm sure the Officiers have similiar standards that they choose to ignore when they shit themselves
Rgr Hunter
Bco/HHC 1/75-'97-'03
Random Intensity
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