Introduction - Blake

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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by BlueLiner »


While it is ok to think about your future, and the "what ifs", do not get hemmed up about them. If this is something that you truly want to do, then commit to the door and do it.

Your next task is to research the MOS's that Regiment offers, pick 3 interesting ones and let us know which ones they are.

Also, I want you to run an RFT. Hand release pushups, plank, 5 mile run, and chinups.

Looking forward to your reply, and don't quit.
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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by blakebishop2007 »

Roger, Ranger BlueLiner

11B- Infantryman
68W- Combat Medic
35L- Counterintelligence Agent

11B: Infantry is my focus. The missions 11B's do in regiment is what I want to do, I believe that these missions are the only things that could satisfy me in life. I hate desks. I won't be a civilian.

68W: Combat Medics have been something I've considered, I like the idea of being at the action and helping brothers who have been injured. Though it isn't the same action as Infantry. I'm looking for Infantry.

35L: Counterintelligence Agents sounded interesting, although I would not do it. I hate desks. Conducting investigations and identifying international terrorist threats seems interesting, but I'm not here to sit at a desk all day to plan something, I'm here to do the something.

Hand Release Pushups- 40 in 2 minutes
Plank- 3 minutes
Chinups- 9
5 Mile- 45:16

I'm sorry for the delayed response. I did not like other attempts. Starting 2 weeks ago, I f'd my health up. Piss is black-orange, other things, but I'm going at it

Dunno what's happened, but I'm glad it's happened now. This is how I'm going to feel during RASP, and for a lot of my time in Regiment, if not way worse. I'm glad I'm training to push through this crap. I live for this shit
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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by blakebishop2007 »

Rangers, just did a 12 mile run for the first time. Completed it under my goal of 2hrs 30mins, with a 2h24m. I did better than I thought I would but I can still do better

This was without weight. I need to be able to do a 2h30m with a rucksack
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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by BlueLiner »

Blake, post SITREP.
RASP 7-19
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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by blakebishop2007 »

Roger, Ranger BlueLiner

Am changing some things that I have been in for a while. Have seen friends for the first time in 6 months and am now hanging out regularly. I actually like to be social and was pretty popular when I used to talk to people - but I just don't know what I fucked with the last 13 months. Have made that different now. I can't be an Army Ranger if I am too fucked up. What I did made me strong but its not good for me.

Have also been working on getting better balance instead of doing only 1 thing 100% of the time. Have made a workout plan that I can do at home and balance with school, although have missed a lot of days. There's no excuses for that, I just gotta do it since I have time. I have made some pretty decent changes right now, and have made really a lot over 2.5 years since wanting to be a Ranger.

The thought that I could be an Army Ranger has kept me hope for life and has had me bettering myself trying to become something good.
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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by BlueLiner »

Blake, post SITREP.
RASP 7-19
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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by blakebishop2007 »

Roger, Ranger BlueLiner.

Have accomplished massive social changes, overall look better and have less noise in my head. Doing actually excellent. A right-now goal I have is to get great at social situations, this will also help me in the Military. Being good at communication should help me lots. Am really just relearning this but in a different and better way since I am very different to how I used to be a long time ago before I stopped talking to people.

Also have a gym membership again which I love. Gym workouts seem to do way more than my home workouts.

For right now I get strong, improve social connections, and finish off the last grade of school. Build myself into becoming as close as possible to what an Army Ranger is. Secure this and make sure it happens since the chance that I could be a Special Operations soldier is what had me keep trying at life. Forgeting about that and just doing pleasure now that my life is happier is just not allowed to happen.

Mold my character into the man that I want to be
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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by BlueLiner »

Blake, send SITREP.

RASP 7-19
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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by blakebishop2007 »

Roger, Ranger BlueLiner.

Lots has happened, massive improvements.

I notice I didn't make a great first impression in my first message on this thread, but that's in the past.

There are many things that have happened, and through that I have been able to learn a lot, which is good. I believe everything that has happened and that I have learned will support me on my journey to becoming a Ranger, and I look forward to the day that happens. There is more time spent in an actual gym now which is good, since those workouts are better than my home workouts regardless of the amount of time at the gym. I have been able to get more clarity in my mind too and this has enabled me to have more realizations about things and just people in general, and being stronger and having the correct frame of mind. Additionally I have started a new part time job just for income now and am learning how to be social with new people instead of old, which is good because I can create new relationships and first impressions with people, and I change a lot during only a few months frequently. I have also started to look physically much better too which is good.

On another note, just two days ago I decided just to walk home from the city to my house starting from 9:03pm, getting back at 9:43am. The days before that I was going to bed at 8pm and waking up at 4am too. It was cold and wet and I wasn't prepared for it to be that wet and cold, that's okay though. I am actually really happy that it was worse than I thought it'd be and I wasn't prepared because that was pretty damn sick.

Day I got back after showering and sleeping, I woke up and I was a bit broken physically and my face looked pretty terrible lmao, but I'm glad I've done that because I know I'm going to end up experiencing way worse in the military, and this stuff is honestly just great. I love it. It was only supposed to take 8 hours though, but I made it take longer. Next time if I'm in the same situation I would need to do it faster and it should be able to happen.

I went back to sleep that day (waking up at 4pm) at 8pm and got my clock reset back to normal time which is good. And I'm better recovered now too which is good.

That wasn't much of a big deal and there's a lot that's also happened too recently, but I thought that was interesting and I just literally did it and am only kind of just now recovered. I got back yesterday, it's 19:01 for me now.
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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by BlueLiner »


Send us another SITREP. What are your PT scores looking like? What's new?

My advice to you is to establish a workable ROUTINE. Routines help you stay focused on what you need to do, and they help you see actual progress in whatever you are doing over time.

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Re: Introduction - Blake

Post by blakebishop2007 »

Roger, Ranger BlueLiner

42 Hand Release pushups in 2 minutes
54 situps in 2 minutes
10 chinups
2:04 minute plank
14:17 2 mile

Gained 20lbs since April.
To be very fair I was malnurished around that time, I wasn't eating or sleeping, I was only working on the SAT trying to get to America, I was only working on the SAT. Only
Would eat 4 frozen beef pies for night for dinner, throw them in the oven, forget about it for an hour, get it, eat while I'm doing practice tests, and stay awake for 6-10 more hours after that. That's what I was doing at that time, only thing I was eating, and only 1hr a week I'd just still do boxing but that was it.

I have a workout routine which is intensive. I am not getting into an actual gym as often as I would love, but it is getting more and more which is nice. I live outside of the city, rely on transport.

I haven't done much pushups, situps, chinups, or even running in my workout routine. Running is a part of my workout routine just not has been really done.

Speaking of transport.

Exactly one week ago I bought a $750 car with money my grandfather gave me for my birthday (2 days before my birthday). I don't have my driving license. I brought friends with me, some of them had their license, we took it to a mountain and I started doing drifts and burnouts in it since its rwd and pretty sick. I only had about 6 hours driving experience. On a mountain turn I did a drift, lost control of the wheels, didn't know how to get control back, and it seems I almost had it go off a cliff then I turned it away then we went straight head first into the side of the mountain going 50mph.

No one was really badly injured, neither the car but the exterior was fucked. Only my airbag came out from.the steering wheel, that exploded in my face and it also seem like I saw a flame shoot up from the engine or headlight. After seeing that I was instantly like "okay everyone get out" we jumped out of the car and I started running around and was like "what the fuck that was fucking sick" and got excited and didn't really give a fuck besides the fact that the exterior was broken, and I love the adrenaline, then I saw my friends and they weren't jumping around being excited and I thought "oh shit I have other people in this car". But anyway that wasn't that bad, the engine actually was pretty much fucking intact it was sick, no one got hurt but I could have hurt people there. Two people didn't have their seatbelt on and luckily weren't sitting in the middle. I got a concussion but I do boxing and deal with enough hit in the head there that I managed good.

I let one of my friend's drive that was a bit shook up and wanted to be in control of the car, which is completely fair. I wasn't driving really horrible before the crash, and I actually did much better than I had before, but I lost control of the car and never had that happen before, so just tried to do the best job that I could. The guy driving hit a massive pothole, I didn't get mad at him it was pretty chill it's not that big of a deal, I had just nearly killed everyone 20 minutes prior. We had found a spare tire and spare rim in the trunk but we had no jack, so we ended up driving on the flat and then quickly on the rim for 30 minutes which was pretty sick. Not too important though. We get to the second car which we had parked before the mountain which had a jack, we put new rim new tire on.

Then we're trying to figure out what to do with the car. The car wasn't registered either. We decide to take it to one of my friend's home. One of them takes the second car, and now my car has the guy who was just driving before, me, and then another friend who has almost 7 years driving experience.

We're driving home, we get roughly 30 mins the way there (probably 15-20mins left). Some cop on the opposite side of the highway sees the car, starts doing a u-turn to us. The person driving (who had his license) speeds up and quickly turns off the highway. We get chased, quickly there's lights in our face, and we're doing 110 in a residential area. And not a friendly straight road residential area, no we're jumping speed bumps, driving on the wrong side of the road trying to dodge things in the middle of the road like bars and whatever stupid shit governments put there trying to get people to slow down (which is very fair). This is where it gets fucked up, but it's chill. Since it's rwd it looses traction easier. We're doing 110 in these tight little streets with speed bumps and concrete in the middle thats a fucking circle and turns in every goddamn direction. There was about 7 or 8 incidents where every motherfucker in this car would be extremely dead and potentially people living in these houses but like. Oh well. It was kind of kickass that I got to experience that but it was very limited amount of control. The guy driving was a phenominal driver and saved us from being fucked many times.

We did not get away. Oh and I forgot to say the exhaust pipe was falling off and dragging on the road we had very nice bells at the back of the car ringing constantly the whole time. We had actually lost them (they had 8 or 10 cars on us trying to cut us off, trying to find us, it lasted for maybe 40 minutes) but the car was very hot, overheating and at that point we had lost power steering. Then we get to a dead end too.

So we stop, calibrate for 20 seconds, jump out, the car's still rolling and my shoe gets caught under the tire, the other two guys are still running, and by that time (really only 30 seconds after exiting car, say my shoe got caught at 25 seconds) there's a cop car on us and the police jump out and start running down, about 10 feet away. I pull my foot out of the shoe and I catch up to the others since I'm fast (my friends only were about 20 feet away from me). I think there were only actually 2 cops. We run and we're going through some playground because we're still in this fucking residential area, and then there's steps down to another road / community and we run off and take that, and obviously your ass is slow down the steps and for some reason I was pretty damn slow down the steps too I just really did not have an interest in falling over. On these fucking steps I swear to God one cop was 4 feet behind me, hell, 3 feet, whatever length is slightly longer than arms length. I was behind the 2 other guys but we were all clumped up together on these steps anyway. At the end of these steps this guy is so Goddamn close to me, say 2 feet, I shoot the fuck off probably faster than I've run in my life and I'm now in the middle and I'm slightly behind the driver (and he's a fucking track athlete, used to do soccer, doing basketball now) I blow the cops out of the way these guys aren't going to catch me, they were probably 40 feet away from me. I keep looking back one cop keeps yelling stop, I know there's no way he's going to catch up, then I see one of my friends get tackled.

I look to the friend who was driving he is off still ahead, I don't think he ever looked back to what was happening once. So I look at the friend who was caught, I know these guys aren't going to get me, then I make a split second decision to walk to my friend who got tackled. I'm walking to my friend to go sit next to him, then I see the other cop running to me, I put my hands up and drop my backpack off my shoulders and then I get cuffs put on me.

I was there for about an hour although early on I let him know I was pretty concussed. Which is probably pretty smart since I didn't need to piss him off. I had to make him repeat the "you have the right to not say anything but what you do say will be used against you in court" three times until he made me repeat it in my own words since I wasn't able to remember the things he said two sentences ago. He let the other cops know where we were. The driver still was running off, and he said he was hiding for 3 hours until they found him with a search party.

Blah blah blah just cop shit I can't remember much of the actual words that were spoken to me but basically I was there for an hour, and he told me was going to call an ambulance to me, and he had some female cops stand there and watch me. I made some basic conversation. I hadn't been arrested before and it not exactly one of my top goals to do so yeah I was kind of just chilling there trying to figure out how to solve the problems with my parents finding out (since they didn't even know I bought a car), court, and punishments. Probably 40 minutes into it I just asked one of the female cops, "do you deal with this sort of stuff a lot" then "how do you like your work" then "yeah I want to join the military" then we started talking about how I want to join the military and what I want to do, and how doing this whole cop chase thing isn't exactly a good idea if I want to join the military. It was a pretty sick conversation though. They were all super nice to me, they could have been really not nice but they didn't.

Then the cop who arrested me finished whatever he was managing, then he walks back to me and says "I overheard you talking about wanting to join the military. I used to be in the Army. You don't want to have a criminal record if you want to be in the military, especially if you want to be an officer.... (some more stuff I can't remember).... I'm going to unarrest you but I want you to not stand up because of your concussion", then he took the cuffs off me. Then after that I was waiting, sitting there, for about another hour for an ambulance, but all the ambulances were too busy so eventually some of the cops just took me to the actual Hospital Emergency Room. Then I finally got out of there at 5am.

And they never contacted my parents, even though it's protocal. I kind of made it obvious that I didn't want my parents contacted because of how concerned I know I looked about it.

I don't really know, it's just interesting.
I did say I liked adrenaline.
I'm glad I had that experience, there's some things to learn from that.

I kind of think I need better friends, I've known that for a while now.

I have made some new friends in the gym though and that's really good.

I think there was some additional things on my mind that I wanted to add on, but I just can't remember right now.

The doctors CT scanned my whole body and everything was roughly fine. I do have a strong neck from boxing and training.

It's kind of like I had all those experiences, which are interesting to have since you learn fuck loads, and I took no repercussions from it and kind of got to breeze by like a ghost just watching and observing the things that can happen and the things that are possible and yeah.

I don't know. It's not that bad or horrible and it's preparation, it's just interesting. I am really grateful to have those experiences and just see what that's like, see what can happen

It's not exactly planned for me to get arrested though and it's not exactly ideal.

Not something I'm actively trying to have happen

But it was interesting, I would say it's a good event for me, I can just see a lot of things.

The other two people were affected. The driver lost his license, has a court date, the other one had been arrested before and they took him in to the station
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