Introduction: Garrett

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Introduction: Garrett

Post by AKwhiskey »

Hello my name is Garrett, im 23, and i'm currently in the DEP for 68w OP.4

I plan on volunteering for rasp as soon as i'm able to, whether that be during AIT or airborne. I've been preparing myself physically for years now, and academically for the whiskey side of things for the past half year. My ship date is very soon, the 18th of this month, and I can't wait to get this journey started.
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Re: Introduction: Garrett

Post by BlueLiner »

Garrett, welcome to the forum. This website is a literal library of past experiences of people going through RASP, volunteering for it, etc. You'll find people's experiences in the Letters From School Thread, I HIGHLY suggest you read the thread in its entirety. I know you are shipping out in 10 days, but what's your PT score? Do you know the Ranger Creed verbatim? Do you have an Airborne Ranger in the Sky? Why do you want to be a Ranger? Get back to us when you can, we'll be eager to hear from you. Some advice for when you go to BCT, do not hang around the shit bags. Identify people with like minded goals who are better than you, and start working with them. Don't be a buddy fucker, and above all give everything you got in every step of the way. BCT, AIT, etc. You'll see day one of reception who really wants to be there, and who doesn't. Make sure you write letters home too, getting mail is always nice when you are on the dark side of the moon. When you ship out, open up a thread in the Letters From School Thread. There is a few of us who still poke around every now and then to check on people and see how they are doing.

And as a wise Ranger once said, "Never, never quit!"
RASP 7-19
RS 9-20
Mentee to Ranger Slowpoke
"Get that lumber in his teeth! Let 'em know you're there!" - Reggie Dunlop
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Re: Introduction: Garrett

Post by AKwhiskey »

Ranger BlueLiner, thanks for the welcome! I've been browsing around the Letters From School Thread for a bit now. It has the most complete, and in depth information on SOCM, and RASP i've been able to find so far. Definitely going to be a valuable resource in the near future. My PT scores are PU:80 SU:80 2mile: 12:50. Strength is DL:445 BS:345 BB:225. I practice the ranger creed, and I try my best to live by those values every day. My Airborne Ranger in the Sky is SGT Joel Clarkson from Fairbanks Alaska, I originally chose SGT Clarkson because we're from the same state. To be concise, I want to be a ranger because the standard is very high. It will be a great opportunity to develop myself into a man, and a professional, while doing the most badass job out there. I'll figure out to open that thread, and keep anyone around updated. Thank you for the advise!
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Re: Introduction: Garrett

Post by BlueLiner »

Garrett, those PT scores are solid. Do everything you can to not only maintain them during BCT, but improve them once you are at AIT. Also, knowing everything about your Airborne Ranger in the Sky is a huge deal. Know their story, where they came from, what they did, the unit they came from, etc. In regards to the Ranger Creed, it is the foundation of the Regiment that every Ranger follows, regardless of what MOS they are, or what Battalion they are in. Incorporate it into your life as much as possible. Regiment is a great place to learn, and develop as a leader. Starting out young here is a great decision because you are building a strong foundation that lasts for life. Also, knock out 25 pushups +1 for the Airborne Ranger in the Sky for every time that you didn't capitalize the word(s) Ranger/Ranger Creed. Attention to detail is important.

Keep us posted in the meantime, looking forward to reading your updates as you progress into the Army.
RASP 7-19
RS 9-20
Mentee to Ranger Slowpoke
"Get that lumber in his teeth! Let 'em know you're there!" - Reggie Dunlop
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