Re-Intro SITREP (4 years in the making)

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Re-Intro SITREP (4 years in the making)

Post by hockey57 »

It is by accident that I am even back on this site. Crazy how life works out ha. I was clearing documents on my laptop and found a detailed, generous paper that a Ranger sent me. It was in response to my initial introduction that I posted on this website nearly 4 years ago as a college Freshman and MS I. I haven't been on this website since then.

I googled "Ranger forum" and found the site, and after nearly half an hour remembered my password and username. Since I was able to remember my log in info I thought I owed it to the Rangers that were willing to give me advice when I was in a critical point in my life. It was only reinforced that I should post this SITREP when I received a PM asking when I was posting one after being logged in no longer than 5 minutes!

I reread my Introduction and the first feeling I felt was embarrassment, It was whiny, and immature, like a reality TV star or something. So I thank those people for their patience with an absolute stranger.

Now to my SITREP. 4 years worth.

I stayed in college. I took into consideration my Dad's advice, and continued to go to school. Over my Sophomore to Junior Summer I earned my Air Assault wings in Ft. Benning, Georgia. During my MS III Summer I attended LDAC (Summer camp for cadet accession). During my Senior year I was the c/CSM for the TAMUK Javelina Battalion. I was the 3rd ranked Cadet for my MSII,III, IV year. Something Im proud of, but dont dwell on.

I have completed a good 180 degree turn from my first post four years ago. After accessions, and evaluating where I am in my life now I turned down the opportunity to compete for a Active Duty position. It is a "what if" but I am honestly happy with my choice. I will commission as a 2Lt. next month after finishing a summer class. I will then immediately go to BOLC for Ordnance in Ft. Lee Virginia. If I excel and am offered an EOD slot I will take on the challenge. If not, I will return to Austin and drill as Reserve Officer. In my civilian career I have decided to initially become a legislative aide, then work for a lobbyist firm.

It seems like two different people right ha? I believe staying in college gave me the time to mature and become a well rounded young man. While I wont live out my childhood dreams of wearing a Ranger, or SF tab I feel like I am on the right path. I enjoy playing golf with my friends and family. I have been in a fantastic relationship going on 2 years. Life is good for a once confused Cadet.

I apologize if this is the wrong way to post a SITREP or did anything formally wrong, but its been a while, plus Im going to be a 2Lt what do you expect? haha


Michael G.

P.S. I did my push-ups (Look at initial Intro if confused.)
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Re: Re-Intro SITREP (4 years in the making)

Post by Jim »

Sounds like you have been evolving. You have accomplished a lot over the past few years; and yes, it appears that you have matured. Well done. Please keep us informed of your progress.
Ranger Class 13-71
Advisor, VN 66-68 69-70
42d Vn Ranger Battalion 1969-1970
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