What would it take?

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What would it take?

Post by Earthpig »

So, what would it take? What would it take to make this site a place where you would want to spend the majority of your internet time here? Serious question.

This site started off as a tiny, little chat board where Rangers got together and joked around. Initially, there were less than 100 members. There was no verification process. If you claimed you were a Ranger, that was good enough. We just basically played grab-ass with keyboards.

As the site began to grow, we found posers among us. We took steps to insure that those claiming Ranger status were the real deal. We continued to play around like kids, but saw an increasing amount of DEPs visiting the site. We saw this as an opportunity to “smoke” the newbies. We rode those first DEPs hard. Some survived, and some didn’t.

We continued to grow, and soon we had girlfriends of Rangers, Filipino Rangers, Norwegian Rangers, parents of Rangers, and fans of Rangers. We began adding forums to accommodate these different groups. Private areas were formed where chicks could visit with chicks, parents could communicate with other parents, and DEPs could talk about their upcoming military experience with each other in private.

Still we evolved. Vietnam era Rangers joined in, non-Batt Rangers joined, non-Ranger Vets came on board. The Pastor founded our beloved Book of the Yellow River. Our membership rocketed to new high numbers. We saw a need to build a Mentor Program for our DEPs with Ranger Contracts. We began narrowing the focus of our forums and added things like Physical Fitness, Weapons, Veteran Affairs help, PTSD aid, etc.

We now find ourselves with a membership of over 7800. However, our site is currently in a lull. The number of new threads has dropped drastically. The average number of members online has withered away. Our programs that led the way in the past, like our Mentoring Program have turned silent. The private areas for special groups are nearly dead.

My own observations show that Facebook has replaced ArmyRanger.Com. I have also perceived that the younger generation feels like many of us might not be as worthy, since we served during peacetime. Thus, we find our beloved site….the largest Army Ranger site on the internet…..slipping away.

I’m an old fart. I’m in my 52nd year, but then I was an old fart when I enlisted, back in 1988. I was 30 when I signed the dotted line. Given that fact, I can’t really relate to Facebook or MySpace. Writing down my thoughts every 30 minutes (“ I just ate quesadillas…”) and sending blueberries for somebody’s Farmville game doesn’t appeal to me. Nor does joining Mafia Wars or Vampire Quest (or whatever it is). The fact is, I think the whole Facebook thing is pretty gay…..but I realize I am in the minority.

But, my question remains. What would it take to make this site replace the Facebooks and MySpaces out there? What would we need to do to make this a place where you could feed all your cravings? Do we need an instant messaging option? Do we need gay little games? Do we need more constructive things, like helping wounded Rangers? Do we need more porn? More cussing? Fat chicks? Pictures of Slowpoke in a thong? Seriously.

This site is for Rangers, by Rangers….always has been. The new ARMi non-profit group has high expectations and goals. If more of you participated actively in the various areas of this group, would that boost morale? We want to be a proactive organization and site. We want to assist the Ranger Parents, the Ranger Wives, the future Rangers, the past Rangers, the current Rangers, and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. We want to LEAD THE WAY!

Please give us (Admins) some guidance in how we can succeed. There is room for everyone. Just let s know how you want to help, what your ideas are, which direction you think we should go.

ArmyRanger.Com is a great place. It always has been. Let’s foster new growth. The Ranger Brotherhood and those who died leading the way deserve it, and then some.

Thank you.

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Re: What would it take?

Post by Ranger Ron »

Well now that's a HEAVY one, Bob.

I certainly see your point. Personally I have no interest in facebook. I am one who as not been as active the last few months because I have been working my butt off at the office. Unfortunately things have been very slow and I have been forced to spend much more time and concentration on my real job. As a result of the addition time and stress at the office I have had much less time and energy to spend here. Where I once read every post in every thread, now I am lucky to find time to browse and give a few welcomes etc. I am hoping that my time and effort in the business will pay dividends soon and I will have a little more time and energy for ArmyRanger.com. Doesn't mean I love you all any less!!!!!

Anyway, EP I will do some thinking about it but for me it is a matter of priority at the moment.
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Re: What would it take?

Post by Jasper »

Well, I'll be honest guys,

There may be multiple things, I personally, have an issue with the fact that I have submitted multiple applications and introductions and still have not been approved as a full member, although I meet the qualifications (If you want to re-confirm this, please PM)

The battle you're asking to fight is an uphill one to say the least, we are the silent professionals and maintain that stereotype as well. So the whole talking about Ranger stuff is not only a worry about OPSEC but also just not our "style"

To point out the main difference and the hard competition of the site. Facebook and myspace provide a homepage for Rangers, and every other group of society, to talk about themselves and what they're doing. It's a sad fact that the easiest, and probabally people's favorite thing to talk about is themselves. Some privately, and some more openly, rarely either actually using the word "Ranger," at least the legit ones. Forums are kind of the way of the past. To describe the current generations thoughts on forms, they are like a delayed chat board. So ArmyRanger.com has become a resource for new DEPs to research what their future might entail and "Chat" about it and doesn't really attract the older generation or the current generation because it's looked at as a resource instead of a community.

As a personal story to further explain, I remember being held in the barracks extra time on a Saturday because some of the old school Rangers showed up to just kind-of check out the new life we live. They went through rooms and saw our gear and saw stuff as simple as PCU's. I remember one "old schooler" looking at it and went into a rant with his buddy about how when they went through school/regiment they didn't need the so called snivel gear, like they were above it and more hardcore. No offence, but we're not fighting in too many jungles anymore. To my own disgrace, my outspoken buddy said "I remember when we deployed..." after hearing their rant.

Was my buddy disrespectful? YES... and I apologize for that, however at the same time, he hit on a point. We have old school Rangers walking through OUR AO, and basically talking down on us, when we're fighting and dealing with a totally different situation and time than they were. I don't recall too many people doing 8k movements at 10,000 feet in snow in the 1980's.

So to sum it all up, I wish you luck and respect, I wish i could give better tips, but it's basically this simple. Facebook/Myspace provides a homepage for each indivual to talk about themselves, where as, ArmyRanger.com provides a delayed chat room and resources to Rangers and others. I unfortunatelly cannot tell you how to fix this, but hopefully this gives you some better insight on the situation. At rendezvous, I pointed every "old schooler" to the site hoping that they would hop on and make connections to old friends, but somehow doubt many did, just because of the self-suffeciency that we instill in ourselves and the fact that the older generation isn't the internet savy generation as well.

On a personal level, if people want that type of "home page" type thing, they can keep it to myspace/facebook. ArmyRanger has it's own nook and just needs it's own style of thinking geared toward the everyday Ranger. Not the fad of today's youth. To the credit of the DEPs, and wives, many things have evolved in the past several years. Maybe we should nuture the question and answer style of a traditional forum and instead of insulting the person and telling them to "search" for the answer. Provied the link to the answer to their question and say "Here's the answer to your question (hyperlink), this can also be found via the search option." Same effect, getting the point across to solve problems yourself, just providing slightly more of a leadership roll in guiding them to the answer as opposed to insulting them to it. Afterall, isn't that the endstate of a Ranger, is being a leader?
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Re: What would it take?

Post by panthersix »

Ranger Jasper,

I appreciate your post. Reminds me of the old RI Joke - How many RI's does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Three - one to screw in the light bulb and two more to talk about how "hard" it used to be! :)

I'm glad you have gear that works, can wear your hair in a less conspicuous manner (freakin 82d retards used to call us cherries when we were at Bragg), and that you're now recognized as "military athletes" and physically train smarter to build your bodies up and not break them down all the time.

I'm proud of you and all the current Rangers! Shit I'm tearing up here at my keyboard just in appreciation for you young'uns keeping up the traditions and standards of the Rangers.

Doc Mac
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Re: What would it take?

Post by McD »

Jasper... WTF???? What are you 20... maybe??? What fucking right do you have to be so smart? :wink:

Seriously... that was an excellent summary of what you see happening.

First... I'm an old fart that didn't ever do shit. Missed Nam, Missed Granada and everything since. The best and only thing you could do during my time was go to Ranger School and get your shit. I played Ranger for my whole time in but never got a chance to play in the REAL deal. As far as level or status of Ranger goes I'm an ammo bearer and always will be.

You and the rest of the current Rangers are the best. You do more and better than anyone in the world. Just as they (Rangers) did in the 90's, 80's all the way back to when ever. Was it different then yup.. is it different now... yup. The idiot that insinuated you guys were less than "Hard" because of you snivel gear was not insulting you or looking down on you he was ignorant of the metamorphosis of his era Ranger to today's Ranger and the mission/environment/mentality.

There was a time when soldiers lined up and walked towards the enemy while being mowed down like hay with a sickle. Years later when cover & concealment and fire & maneuver was how things were done the old timers thought the youngsters were taking the easy way to.

Please take no offense.

More later
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Re: What would it take?

Post by RRDTm3 »

I know a few new school Rangers who understand what the old school guys did to put the Regiment where it is today. Supply Ranger, Dis and the baddest motherfucker I know, . have shown much respect to us FOGS. Regardless of the 5 W's if a guy is senior you STFU and say Roger that, put a smile on your face and thanks God you got what you got. I concur, Jasper for a tabless bitch you got some smarts in your bucket!
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Re: What would it take?

Post by Chiron »

Jasper wrote: As a personal story to further explain, I remember being held in the barracks extra time on a Saturday because some of the old school Rangers showed up to just kind-of check out the new life we live. They went through rooms and saw our gear and saw stuff as simple as PCU's. I remember one "old schooler" looking at it and went into a rant with his buddy about how when they went through school/regiment they didn't need the so called snivel gear, like they were above it and more hardcore. No offence, but we're not fighting in too many jungles anymore. To my own disgrace, my outspoken buddy said "I remember when we deployed..." after hearing their rant.
Then there is the old Ranger that needs to hear how harder it was when he was a Ranger. Each generation will have newer and better equipment and the mission will have its requirements including gear/clothing. The current professional would not have made a comment. Comments are for us FOGs to give be it experience or jealousy or envy that you are in it and we are not or cannot be.

Remember there are those of us that trained “above the tree line” often without snivel gear and we are suffering as a result today. Each generation takes the best experience from the previous one and becomes better.

Personally I will always let the FOG have his say and I would never comment. For the record I’m envious of those in the thick of things today.

Drive on Ranger.
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Re: What would it take?

Post by ma91c1an »

Goddamn, that is true.

I am going to be 50 soon, but I must have the body of a 60 year old.

I know that younger guys hate it when old guys try to give them unsolicited advice, but unless you want to ache all of the time when you get older, be smart now, while you are young. If you are blessed, as I was, you will survive to live in pain. I was an idiot. I am paying for it now.

But then, I am also grateful for the pain. I got buddies who are too dead to feel anything. Some of them have been gone for awhile, but I am pretty sure that they check in, from time to time.

You younger guys know all about that.

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Nothing but respect from me.

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Re: What would it take?

Post by bandycpa »

As a civilian, I enjoy coming here to learn more about the higher standard that you all aspire to and live by. Not blowing smoke here, just stating the fact. FaceBook is boring on a good day, and has turned into a "whoa is me" place to be lately. I despise it.

Here, I read about people who live by that higher standard. Those who don't rely on fate, fortune, luck or whatever you call it to determine their life. Men who have sacrificed more than should be required, and would do it again if asked...anytime, anywhere. Kind of puts my little issues into perspective, and kicks my ass at the same time to do better.

I appreciate the site, and all the work you all do. As far as changing or adding to the site, I'm not for sure what to do, but I do know that this site will always be better than FaceBook / MySpace.
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Re: What would it take?

Post by Ranger Bill »

As a well-seasoned FOG, I can only say that I am highly impressed by today's Rangers. The standards are higher, the demands are more. You go faster and further. Nothing made me more proud than to see today's Rangers at Rendezvous last summer at the Lawson Field event. And never have I experienced better cameraderie than staying up all night drinking with some of the Regiment's finest senior NCOs. I am humbled by you men serving today.

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Re: What would it take?

Post by Rock Island Ranger »

First, Jasper...ballsy comments. Good ones too. Hope I never look at a young Ranger with anything but admiration, respect, and awe. Havent yet, doubt I will. Thems that do...well bud, each of us is issued a lifelong supply of "fuck you's, play hide and go fuck yourself, and my favorite..."yea, I know....but we found that the flintlock and coonskin caps needed improvements". You earned the right young brother. Open fire.

As for the board. Dunno. Seems folks are pretty busy these days, some just making the budget, some have no budget, others are doing what they can to become millionaires. Sometimes life gets that way. Cannot say that I dislike the board in any way however, Im sure there are always ways to improve it.
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Re: What would it take?

Post by RangerX »

Jasper, your avatar is broken.

Fuck Facebook & MySpace. They are ongoing Opsec violations waiting to happen. At least this site has some self policing going on.

As for what you can do to this site....nothing. Maybe not fret so much on making it look cool will high speed logos. Maybe "advertise" it a little bit, i.e. Patrolling Magazine, or flyers for CQ boards in the barracks.

This site is a gift from GRITS, and I spend about 98% of my online time logged in. The other 2% is on a Jeep site, looking for Howtos.....
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Re: What would it take?

Post by CloakAndDagger »

I got pointed to this website back in 2004, and have generally enjoyed it since. However, I've noticed the slowdown too.

A few ideas as to why:
1. Oddly, I think some of the "drama llamas" and some of the posers did keep things lively, and those sorts of people now have
better places to go on the internet. I admire that you Rangers stand up for the Creed even here on the internet, but it has eliminated some of the prolific posters.

2. Another reason why I think it's been slow, is that the media has gotten bored with the war effort, so there are fewer news articles to link to that we want to rabidly tear apart.

3. Website transition. I know the reason it happened (R.I.P. Ranger Sparten), but to be dead honest, the default website-skin that we had in the interrim period just didn't fit the site.

4. Recycling in Good Humor. The jokes have been told, and re-told, it's just not as entertaining anymore.

5. OPSEC concerns. "If you don't post, it can't come back to bite you in the ass!"

6. Life transitions. In the time I've been on the site, I've gotten an Electrical Engineering degree, completed my enlistment, was unemployed for about a year (that sucked), and now I've been working fulltime for over two years...and that's just me, I'm sure others have gone through more.

How to fix it? Can we convince some of our members that have left to return? Will we get an avid poster who will keep things lively without getting kicked? More questions than answers are here, I think.
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Re: What would it take?

Post by BruteForce »

CloakAndDagger wrote:I got pointed to this website back in 2004, and have generally enjoyed it since. However, I've noticed the slowdown too.

A few ideas as to why:
1. Oddly, I think some of the "drama llamas" and some of the posers did keep things lively, and those sorts of people now have
better places to go on the internet. I admire that you Rangers stand up for the Creed even here on the internet, but it has eliminated some of the prolific posters.
Agreed. Two years ago, the banter was heavier and more comical. Most of those folks have since departed or been banned.
5. OPSEC concerns. "If you don't post, it can't come back to bite you in the ass!"
Agreed as well. I'm hesitant to post any information that can even be construed as OPSEC/PERSEC. I've been banned once before for posting a review of a commercially available book.
6. Life transitions. In the time I've been on the site, I've gotten an Electrical Engineering degree, completed my enlistment, was unemployed for about a year (that sucked), and now I've been working fulltime for over two years...and that's just me, I'm sure others have gone through more.
Probably the biggest factor at play is the many that are trying to retain (or attain) employment. Surfing ArmyRanger.com does not trump making a paycheck.

While I'm no real fan of Facebook (Yes, I do have an account), I can see the appeal for some. I know that VBulletin will allow you to integrate with Facebook, so things like "LIKING" a post are possible, etc. (Powered by vBulletin™ Version 4.0.2 ). I don't know if phpBB (this site's back-end) has Facebook or social networking components. If you could pull some of those folks in based on content, I think you'd generate more interest/traffic.
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Re: What would it take?

Post by Lefty »

Chiron wrote:
Jasper wrote: As a personal story to further explain, I remember being held in the barracks extra time on a Saturday because some of the old school Rangers showed up to just kind-of check out the new life we live. They went through rooms and saw our gear and saw stuff as simple as PCU's. I remember one "old schooler" looking at it and went into a rant with his buddy about how when they went through school/regiment they didn't need the so called snivel gear, like they were above it and more hardcore. No offence, but we're not fighting in too many jungles anymore. To my own disgrace, my outspoken buddy said "I remember when we deployed..." after hearing their rant.
Then there is the old Ranger that needs to hear how harder it was when he was a Ranger. Each generation will have newer and better equipment and the mission will have its requirements including gear/clothing. The current professional would not have made a comment. Comments are for us FOGs to give be it experience or jealousy or envy that you are in it and we are not or cannot be.

Remember there are those of us that trained “above the tree line” often without snivel gear and we are suffering as a result today. Each generation takes the best experience from the previous one and becomes better.

Personally I will always let the FOG have his say and I would never comment. For the record I’m envious of those in the thick of things today.

Drive on Ranger.
Agree with both of you.
Jasper, good points, but I recall being at 1st Batt some years ago as a "visitor" standing in a chow line behind some active duty Rangers who were laughing at the "fat old" Nam vets in line ahead of them. I bit my tongue but have always thought that when you young studs are looking at us fat old FOGs and laughing at us, you are looking in a mirror of yourselves 20, 30 40, or more years from the present. Also, I have been there, resenting the comments from older vets about how much harder it was for them, etc. and later learning some of those old vets had accomplished some amazing things in their time. One of the older RIs who burned me the most and whom I resented the most turned out to be the holder of a Silver Star and is now in the RHOF. When you are older it will be tempting for you to be critical of the younger dudes and all their modern toys too. It works both ways.
Now that I have probably pissed you off, I will say, as I have maintained for years, that I will always have the highest respect for the young men who have made it through all the challenges placed before them and achieved the status of Ranger. The Regiment has always been, and continues to be, composed of the finest young men this nation can produce. Holding the title of Ranger is a most significant accomplishment.
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