The Government Will Default on Its Debts

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The Government Will Default on Its Debts

Post by Caruthers »

A GREAT read.........

For older Americans, a single mental image above all others illustrates this perpetual relationship. It is their memory of the annual Sunday cartoon in the cartoon strip, "Peanuts," which was the most widely read cartoon strip – and therefore the most widely read anything – in the United States for at least three decades. The annual cartoon featured two children: the ever-mendacious Lucy, whose hand supported an upright football on the ground, who encouraged the ever-trusting Charlie Brown to run at the ball and kick it. He always believed her. At the last moment, she would pull the ball away, and Charlie would fly into the air, then land on his back. What changed each year was her argument on why she would not pull the ball away, and her final remark to Charlie, as he lay flat on his back. She thought he was stupidly naïve. He was. She always took advantage of him. Her philosophy was clear: "Never give a sucker an even break."

This scene is repeated every other November in the United States, when voters go to the polls. "This time, it will be different," cry the Congressional candidates. Then, for the next two years, they pull the ball away.

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Re: The Government Will Default on Its Debts

Post by Bcosniper »

That was a good read, well not really a "good" read but at least an honest one. I think they are right on. It's not a matter of if any more- it's a matter of when and how severe. It really makes me think that the commies running our government right now are trying to collapse the whole thing. They have to know that what they are doing is unworkable, unsustainable, and unAmerican.
As far as commodities goes, I think lead might be a safer bet than gold because he who has the guns will have the gold as well :wink:
Bco 2/75 1st Plt, Webco
RS 12-91

All you got to do is breeeeaaatth and squeeze
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