Unsupportive Parent

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Kilted Heathen
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Post by Kilted Heathen »

Tell him to shut the fuck up.
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Post by Steadfast »

Kilted Heathen wrote:Tell him to shut the fuck up.
Did you just do that? :twisted:

Just tell you dad not to nag you. If he can't be supportive tell him to STFU - you don't want to hear him. Keep in communication with him after you leave. I believe he is mainly concerned as any parent would be. Take it as a grain of salt and move on - you have your own life to live and goals to achieve.

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Re: Unsupportive Parent

Post by Julieanne »

Clash_Z wrote:I hope I am posting this in the correct area, if not by all means correct me. Anyway, my problem is this, my mother is deceased so I live with my father, which isn't entirely too bad. But, he's being so unsupportive of my decision to be a Ranger that I almost feel bad about the decision I made. He keeps telling me I made the stupidest decision anyone could make, and that no one is joining the service now because the war is so stupid. Basically, he keeps making me feel like shit for what I consider to be an honorable decision. He is former Navy, so its not like hes some hippy. Does anyone have any advice? I'm trying to keep my spirits up, but the things he keeps saying are really dragging me down. I know I chose infantry, but so what, you can die in a car accident on the freeway, doesn't mean infantry is suicide. I know I sound like a whiney piece of shit,who's probably taking up more space on this forum than its worth, but I'm genuinely hoping someone can offer me good advice.
RGR JLTW!!! wrote:
2) What do YOU think of your decision to become a Ranger? That is really whats important. Maybe your father is scared of losing you like he lost your mother and this is his way of telling you that.
I have to agree on RGR JLTW's point. I'm not sure of your family situation before your mother passed on. Your mother was somebody that your father cared deeply for (at least at some point if they were nolonger together when she passed on), so maybe part of his resistence is based on the fear of not only possibly losing a son, but possibly losing another person that he loves. How's that for some psycho babble?

Be respectful of your Dad. If you want to be a Ranger, start modeling their standards now.
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Post by Sleepy Doc »

I had been in the National Guard for 5 years before I decided to go active duty and become a Ranger. Never heard one peep from my Dad about it. Not one week after my decision they had the four students die in Ranger school. Within days he called me about it. "You really want to go be a Ranger after hearing about that ??.." I told him that I didn't want to live my life wondering if I could make it there. After that he respected the fact that it was my decision, and I was going to do it no matter what.

Don't do it for him, or us or anyone else.. Do it for YOURSELF!! Otherwise you are wasting your time and everybody else's..
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Post by Jim »

Well, I recall coming home after my initial tour in Viet-Nam, I decided that I was going to make a career of the Army. My father's comment was something like: "you have done a lot of stupid things in your life, but this is the most stupid." We was a WWII vet, and I just ignored his comment. I continued to treat my father with respect.
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Post by RRDTm3 »

Clash_Z wrote: He's losing control of me, and he can't handle it.
This what I told me dad when we had that special father son talk where he tried to re-establish that he was in charge of me. This occurred during block leave, 6 months into my first enlistment.

I told him “I am my own man now. I make my own money and decisions and do as I choose to do. I’ve have never talked back to you or bowed up to you because you are my dad and I respect that. If you choose to confront me over my decisions and ultimately try and kick the shit out of me I am going to stomp the piss out of you. All my life I have showed you the respect you have earned by being a good assertive, firm, fair father. All I ask is that you show me the same by being your son. We never had a problem after that day……..EVER!
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Post by Batiati »

Hey Clash_Z don't let it get you down. I'm only replying because at the moment I'm going through the same thing you are, so I know exactly what it's like. I had to lie to my parent's for them to sign the parental consent paper. I told them I would pick a nice safe job, little did they know I planed on going 11x.
After I swore in I talked to my Dad and he asked me what I picked. I told him 11x and he should look it up on the computer because I don't know how to explain it, he then called me back talking to me like I was already dead.
Saying shit like "well that's just to bad, your so young"
"You don't know what your signing yourself up for"
bla bla bla

Then I had a talk with my Mom, for fucks sake that went horrible. I can't even mention the word "Army" without her crying. The same goes for my Grandma who I live with.

The friend's are also non-supportive.

You know what though? I want to do something different then what the majority of people do. I want to make a difference, sure my life will suck at time's because of my recent decision. It's what I chose to do though, It's what I WANT to do. So I'll be damned if I'm going to let someone bring me down, or tell me I'm doing something stupid. It takes alot of Courage to do what you enlisted to do. Especially during a time of war, don't let the corward's try and tell you otherwise.
Ranger Kilted Heathen said to me.
You're a waste of time.

Fuck off.
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Post by Disinfertention »

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Post by K.Ingraham »

Your dad was a sailor, he's just pissed that you might be a better man than him, the whiner.
At least he signed for you, a decision made easy by the fact that you're almost 18 & proven to be capable of making your own decisions.
Just do him proud, he'll see the error of his ways eventually.
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Post by Rock Island Ranger »

Want me to speak with your Father?
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Re: Unsupportive Parent

Post by lusus »

Clash_Z wrote:...but I'm genuinely hoping someone can offer me good advice.
Julius Caeser, before crossing the Rubicon (a deliberate act of war), said to his men 'Even yet we may draw back; but once we cross yon little bridge, and the whole issue is with the sword.'

By signing the contract you crossed a bridge, but this is no shit - If you are to have any chance of becoming a Ranger you better get your head in the game. Your new job is to never quit. Pick up your sword, shoot an azimuth, and move out.
C co 2/75 86-90
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