Surviving OSUT....

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Surviving OSUT....

Post by DGhost »

Just a quick stop in while I am on mid-cycle pass (Columbus here I come... muahahahahhahahaha)...

A few words on surviving OSUT from someone who is currently there and doing that....

First off, the disclamer... Everyones experience at OSUT is different... Your's may not be the same, so don't blame me if it is different...

Part 1: Reception (30th AG)

For some odd reason a lot of people find this part to be incredably difficult... but... it is really incredably easy... be prepared to spend a lot of time either standing in line, sitting in line, or sleeping in your bay... that is pretty much all you do...

The day you arrive you will be shocked and amazed, and then you will realize that they are not treating you badly at all and it is pretty gimpy all around. You will get issued clothes either the day you arrive or the next day, depending on when you show up. The only exception to this is if you arrive on a friday or before a holiday. In general, you should only need the clothes on your back. I would pack a change of clothes, but not the 2 or 3 that is recommended. Don't bother bringing a towel, wash cloth, or locks. You buy the wash clothes, get issued the towels, and buy the locks you need. Bring a razor + shaving cream. Be able to shave in under 60 seconds (100 people, 12 sinks, 2 minutes to shave. it was fun.) Bring a book. bring a tooth brush and tooth paste. don't be stupid and bring stupid shit (ie, condoms. they set off the metal detectors in the airport (hint: this happened in our group) and you get so much shit for it). Think minimalistic and keep in mind you can literally walk in with *nothing* and you will get taken care of. Be able to eat in 5-10 minutes.

It is easy... incredably easy...

Part 2: OSUT

This part is the fun part. Just keep your head down and do the right thing, even if the DS will yell at you because of it. Take it like a man, pretty much. Don't cheat yourself. Nothing here is high speed, and DS's tend to get pissed off if you try to be high speed. This is basic training... you are learning the basics... not the high speed shit...

Just take everything as it comes and it will be fun. Enjoy the opportunities presented to you and don't be a shitbag.

Oh yeah, the worst thing so far is all the shitbags in the platoon. they will get on you're nerves. but enjoy their stupidity and don't fuck with them too much...

It is incredably amusing talking to people who think they are going to RIP and then Ranger School... heheh..... and think they are right...

Annyways... it's fun... as of right now I am not going to Airborne or RIP (it was not in my contract and I was testing the waters and re-gaining my footing...) but I do intend on getting in touch with the Ranger Liason ASAP and seeing what I can do... If that falls through I will be station at Ft. Carson, so things should be interesting...

Good luck to all you looking to start down this path... It is very doable and personally has been worth it so far.

See ya'll 'round...
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Post by Morris0352 »

My flight for Benning leaves on Wednesday so I'm stoked. Good luck on getting to RIP. Thanks for all of this advice as well

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