Doc's Return

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Doc's Return

Post by Doc_PVT »

Hey all, I hope a few of you remember me. I posted a bit over the Holidays. I had inquired about changing my component and MOS. RANGER Plavney helped me and I took his advice. The great news is, in 2 months I get to pick a new MOS and go active. So now it's a matter of getting that option 40. Well...not long to chat, I have a new email I willa ttach at the bottom of this post, you are all free to get in touch with me here at wonderful (wtf) Fort Jackson. RANGER Dis..I hope to hear from you soon. Peace.
~It is so easy to become complacent, and to not pay attention to detail. It is so easy to let your guard down and say, "Oh, it's only a training excercise." It is so easy until you find one of your best friends laying on the ground, and there is nothing you can do. Read your warrior ethos and breath every word. A-Co 2/39 We will never forget. R.I.P. - J.E.J, you will be missed.

Post by Saltbitch »

PVT Witt, I have so many evil and derrogatory things I want to say to you; but I will restrain myself. You see, it's been a particularly nasty day on the Saltbitch front, and I'd REALLY hate to say something that would in fact solicit a dumbass (read: final) mistake in your overly unimportant life. Yeah, I remember you; I gave you a homework assignment that you *couldn't* complete because you are a worthless B.F. (aka Blue Falcon, Buddy Fucker). Team Excelsior (aka Woodchip) completed your mission for you; and they completed their OWN mission in addition. That's what It means to be a Ranger. Not some OPT 40 contract or even passing RIP; those are the bare minimum criteria for getting assigned to BN. STAYING in BN is the real test of a Ranger. (Almost) anyone can suck it up for 3 weeks; when you get to Batt, you have to prove yourself EVERYDAY. No matter if you've been there 3 months or 3 yrs; everyday is a new opportunity to get DX'd. Just step on your dick one too many times....WHAM! You're a memory. PVT Witt, so far you have demonstrated ZERO in the realm of character that it takes to be a Ranger. Character and intestinal fortitude will reliably carry you through your service in BN, and everything else will help you only fractionally.
Oh BTW, Ranger Disinfertention has more important things to deal with right about now than your pansy-ass. And trust me, he's NOT your fucking buddy.

Depshits: DO NOT look to this assmunch for any sort of worthwhile information or motivation. He is just a self-absorbed, dumbass private. If you all NEVER become this idiot, then I will be proud of you. He's not cool; no matter what that B.S. signature line says. Even if it's true, and it probably is, who really fuckin' cares? Get used to death, boys and girls; it will visit each and every one of you during your stint in the military no matter what your MOS is.

PVT Witt- Do yourself a favor and don't ever show your fucking face around here again. I'm dead serious; I will fucking thrash you the likes of which you've never experienced in your entire spineless life. Abandon your 'dreams' of going to RIP, 'cause I'll guarantee you when you go to take the APFT, your counter (RIP Cadre) will count past 10, then start saying "zero, zero, zero, zero..." until your two minutes expires. Membership has its privelages, motherfucker; and I'm a card-carrying, life-membership holder. :evil:

Post by Spartan »

That was a lot of oxygen there bro.
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Post by Slowpoke »

DAMN...It's fun to watch a master practice his craft.
I never wore a cape, but I still have my dog tags.

Experienced Peek Freak!!

173rd Abn LRRP...'66/'67
C/1/506 101st Abn
B/2/325 82nd Abn
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Post by Doc_PVT »

I see.. I respect that And will follow orders to the T. If it is any consolation, As I previously stated in my apology to not carrying out my mission, I was "tied up". I was in the hospital because my good friend's father had a stroke. I offered to hand write my mission and send it to you Snail-Mail if you'll review the post. My sincerest apologies for disappointing you, but as RANGER Dis once told me..Don't let ANYTHING stand in your way. I will follow orders and not come around anymore, but I'm not going to let anything stand in my way of completing my personal mission and dream. I have heart and motivation. RANGER Dis- if what RANGER SB says is true I'm sorry I let you down. RANGER Plavney - even though it seems you too forget that I'm human, I appreciate the information you gave me on the Phone. My respect and best wishes go to all of you.

Doc Out.
~It is so easy to become complacent, and to not pay attention to detail. It is so easy to let your guard down and say, "Oh, it's only a training excercise." It is so easy until you find one of your best friends laying on the ground, and there is nothing you can do. Read your warrior ethos and breath every word. A-Co 2/39 We will never forget. R.I.P. - J.E.J, you will be missed.
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Post by ImportsRsloths »

Any chance you guys have a future MSG (Doc_PVT) in your hands?? :wink:
Last edited by ImportsRsloths on January 14th, 2004, 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Saltbitch »

Blah blah blah....I've heard it all before. And just to clear the air; I reread ALL of your posts before I wrote that. You have no idea how 'toned down' that was.
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