Looking to buy

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Brat Attack
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Looking to buy

Post by Brat Attack »

Im looking to by a Kimber handgun. My question is for the price of the BP 10 II, is there any other .45 out there that can match its quality. This will be my first handgun, so any suggestions are welcome. Thanks....
C Co. Hardrock 1/75
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Post by fireranger »

If you are looking at a high-cap 1911 - I would go with either a ParaOrdnance or STI. If you are looking for a good value single stack 1911 - Kimber or a Springfield Armory is a good bet. You can get a good out of the box 1911 for under $1000 depending on options. Then you can upgrade as you see fit.

Other reasons to go single stack - there are a lot more pistolsmiths willing to work on them, part are cheaper/more available, and magazines are a lot cheaper.

My .02 cents.
3 rd. Plt. C Co. 2/75 1993-1997, RS 10-94 (Navigators)

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Horned Toad
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Post by Horned Toad »

The only other thing I can add is alot on companies seem to be having trouble with the compacts, I woudnt go with anything smaller than an officer model. Spring life on the Kimber compacts is like 1500 rounds.
75th RGR RGT 91-94
RS 03-92
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