Reasons to Not Like Obama

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Re: Reasons to Not Like Obama

Post by colt1rgr »

RANGER513 wrote:ANY U.S. President who does not salute, or at the very fucking least, put his damn hand over his heart when our beloved National Athem is played and Old Glory is flying high is a damn good enough reason to hate em. :evil:

X2! I cannot wait to see what this fuck will say about the the private who leaked the INTEL to Wikileaks assclown Assange. So far its been "mums' the word". I say a cigarette and a blindfold are in order.
1st Ranger Bn 86-92, C Co, HHC, Bn COLT, RHQ 94-95 Ranger Class 14-87 MFF 05 May 88

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Re: Reasons to Not Like Obama

Post by TopSNOT_BigE »

1. He's taking the advancing weaponry and tactical technology away from our fellow Rangers and selling them to the highest bidder. He's also stopping all new cool toys from coming in. Budgets were tight, now units get 1 strip of TP to wipe their ass. (by he, I mean his policies)

2. He is the end of a long lineage of socialists. I'm republican but political parties dont mean everything to me as long as your not far left or far right...and he's far left. People didn't understand when he promoted "Change", he was going to attempt to change it in ways we dont want to be changed. Violate our my opinion.

I dont hate the guy but I do disagree with him. And even if I were a soldier still, I would disagree with him. Doesn't mean I wouldn't follow orders.
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Re: Reasons to Not Like Obama

Post by colt1rgr »

I'm a redblooded, Bible believing, Pro-gun, America loving former Ranger. There is absolutely NO WAY I could ever like the man or anything he does, cause even when it seem right he has a underlying hidden agenda. He's a scumbag, plain and simple. However, my uniform is far removed. BUT if I was wearing it, it would be "Roger that" and I'd move out smartly (like it or not). Old saying "You don't have to like it, you just have to do it!" never runs outta fashion.

ON a lighter note I was on Benning the other day and saw more than one vehicle that had "Impeach Obama" bumper stickers on them. I cannot believe thats flying on the "Home of the Infantry". I seem to remember a board member getting skinned up pretty good for his "Impeach Clinton" bumper sticker back in the day. Anyone got the skinny on what the current policy/orders are on this? Just wondering? :?: :roll:
1st Ranger Bn 86-92, C Co, HHC, Bn COLT, RHQ 94-95 Ranger Class 14-87 MFF 05 May 88

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Re: Reasons to Not Like Obama

Post by Flesh Thorn »

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Re: Reasons to Not Like Obama

Post by Jim »

He damn near lost his contract with GEICO over those comments.

Presidents come and go. God bless and give this country time to adjust. Remember, we have a revolution every four years.
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Re: Reasons to Not Like Obama

Post by rangertough »

Jim wrote:
He damn near lost his contract with GEICO over those comments.
If he had the balls of a sand flea he wouldn't have recanted. Stick by what you say or don't say it.

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Re: Reasons to Not Like Obama

Post by colt1rgr »

Having met the Gunny just a month or so ago and been fortunate to have had a couple conversations with him I can safely vouch that he is what he appears to be, "like us" and a damn fine man. Big money has a way of making you bite your tongue. All of us play politics on the job, its the nature of the game and a key to personal survival and the reason we lurk on here. Cut him a little slack.

As for Slappy, we need to weigh in a couple very important issues. There are two things that DEEPLY disturb me that are going on now that are not (in my opinion) being covered very much if at all in the media that will deeply affect our Nation as a world power. First off the end of the space shuttle program here very soon and the relegation of NASA by Slappy as an arm to "reach out to the muslim community." W T F? You fellows do realize that we will be entirely dependent on the Russkies to place men in space after the shuttles stop running right? That IS the current plan (look it up for yourselves). Shear lunacy!

Second, good old Secretary of Defense Gates, who is an Obama lap dawg is currently promoting the killing of the 2,000 some odd F-35 Stealth Fighters, saying its too costly. We cannot as a nation afford to scrap the F-35. It's insanity. The Chinbese have already copied it and have their proto-type on the runways taxiing around which is a precursor to flight testing (READ: Damn close to being operable), again, Google this and see it for yourself.

Add to this the news last week that they are proposing a military drawdown in the very near future, while we are smack dab in the middle of WWIII against the muslim world. Again this is lunacy and as much as I hate to say "I told you so", several of us on this board stated emphatically this would happen two years ago.

Oh, and we had three soldiers killed in Iraq this weekend, all by enemy action, despite having "no combat forces in Iraq". There is now a big push to allow females in combat? Bottom line is this ASSCLOWN is singlehandedly doing his damndest to destroy life as we know it and you would almost have to be crazy or drunk on the Kool Aid at this point NOT to see it. 2012 cannot possibly get here quick enough.

This man and anyone who aligns themselves with his agendas (in my opinion) are traitors to this country pure and simple and I beleive history will verify this and villify his leadership (or lack thereof). I just pray by this point our textbooks won't be re-printed in Mandarin. Watch my word, this snail will slide right to the middle and be all hugs and kisses with the Repubs for the remainder of his presidency, simply to get re-elected. Once (God help us), he is re-elected, he will be hell bent to continue his systematic destruction of our country, Much as I hate to say it I beleive he will be re-elected cause thats how stupid we as a nation have become. I hope and pray I am wrong.

"SLAPPY GOTTA GO 2012" :evil:
1st Ranger Bn 86-92, C Co, HHC, Bn COLT, RHQ 94-95 Ranger Class 14-87 MFF 05 May 88

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Re: Reasons to Not Like Obama

Post by colt1rgr »

Just saw headline on Yahoo. It says.....

First Lady Stops Traffic in Stunning Dress


Are there really people out there in the world who thinks this @#%^&! looks like anything other than Dr. Zira on crack? Stop traffic? :? :roll: More like "caused a train wreck! :lol: :mrgreen: :?

Ain't enough alkeehol in the world.......... just AIN'T enough!
1st Ranger Bn 86-92, C Co, HHC, Bn COLT, RHQ 94-95 Ranger Class 14-87 MFF 05 May 88

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