
This Archive will be used for Future Soldiers and Civilian Introductions 6 months old and older

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Post by EvilCouch »

This kid is fucking untrainable!
Clueless Joe(Sand hill): May 98 - May 99
Tabless Bitch (Bco 3/75): May 99 - May 01
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Post by CHCB »

Young man, everything about your posts indicates to me that you believe yourself to be among peers. This is incorrect. We are not your peers. Your casual and overly familar attitude toward men of greater age and experience is insufferable.

Please do not confuse your desire to serve in the most elite of Regiments in the Army with any actual accomplishment on your part.

While we admire, even applaud, the desire of any young man to embark upon this challenge, we address as brother only those who have completed it.

We do not measure men by their intentions, or their desires, but by their merits, and their deeds. You have signed, or are about to sign, a contract. That is commendable, but it hardly warrants membership in our ranks.

Do not be misled by our casual treatment of each other on these pages. That is reserved for us, and us alone. Should you be successful in your quest, and return here with proof, then, and only then, will your cocky attitude be acceptable.

Until then, may I suggest that you SHUT THE FUCK UP.
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Post by Chiron »

GRrrrrrr :twisted:
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Post by cams »

stlouismike20 wrote:Ranger cams sigline is fixed if you meant for me to clear it.
I should have been more respectful and less arrogant in my posts.

I have been reading the web site for around 3 hours now and my questions have been answered roughly. I would like to clear any bad air in here because I would like to come back down the road to share my experiences and maybe (with permission) straighten some people with misplaced atitutdes. I will continue to keep reading for more info.
Listen here boy, you need to git up the fucking road before you worry 'bout coming back down it to 'straighten' people out.

Everyone wants to skip right over the 'fun' part and just get straight to being a Hooah.

Hell, that's like wiping your dick off on the curtains before you even get it wet...just ain't right is all.

Who keeps shitting out these retards anyway?? Somewhere there's a big pussie (puss-ie not pussy, I wouldn't use that word in public) orb just'a spitting out retards left and right with a map to WTF over??
2/75 HHC C/E 89-92
Rio Hato/AO Diaz CCT/Commo

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Post by Ranger Bill »

The good luck I said you were going to need was based on the fact that I could see you were getting in over your head. Your luck is about up. This is going to be your last warning: You have been told by several respected members to STFU. You have nothing to contribute. Read and learn about Rangers on this site. If you have questions, ask them of DEPs. Do not post anymore unless you are specifically answering a question.
WE NEED MORE RANGERS!" onclick=";return false;

Mentor to Pellet2007, ChaoticGood & RFS1307

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Horned Toad
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Post by Horned Toad »

stlouismike20 wrote:I apoligize for my casual attitude, I have spent my entire life around former Marines and have spoken in a casual basis often. I know this does not make me your equal, but I try to speak to you as I aspire to be like you.

Look son, your right, I suggest that when you get to basic you talk to everyone there in a causal tone, because that’s fair right, I mean you’re all men. I really think we should all be a lot nicer to you because we have never had some kid come here before and tell everyone how he had a Ranger contract and wasn’t gona quite till he became a Ranger. We may have to revamp this whole site because you may be on to something here. There may be whole legions of kids out there just like you lined up out there wanting to prove that their men. Somebody better call supply and tell em to lay in a stack of tan berets because you kids are going to show up tell everyone how it’s done. Please tell us more about yourself, what makes you so special? Obliviously you can type correctly when you want to, but you don’t take the effort. Tell everyone here how much effort you put into your first intro, what .05%? I am sure in today’s Army that amount of effort will get you into the Rangers no problem. All those high standards are just a bunch of BS, anyone can do it, just go through and check how many deps before you made it vs. those that failed or quite.

Can I have your autograph someday?
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Post by EvilCouch »

cams wrote:Now shut the fuck up, read, learn and do PT until you puke every fucking day.
rgrpuck wrote: It is past time for you to shut the fuck up.

We have put up with your babbleing for long enough.

Search the site for your answers.....or keep traveling down the path your on right now and find your silly ass booted .

DO not answer this post, your silence will be enough.
rgrpuck wrote:dont type another word.
KW Driver wrote:stop fucking posting now, before you end up pissing one of us off.
Ranger Bill wrote: Do not post anymore unless you are specifically answering a question.
There's a disturbing trend here.

Rangers are telling you to shut the fuck up and you're not doing it.

The next time you get the urge to type something here and it's not in direct response to a question posed to you, you need to bash your fingers with a fucking brick.
Clueless Joe(Sand hill): May 98 - May 99
Tabless Bitch (Bco 3/75): May 99 - May 01
REMF (11th Regt): May 01 - Feb 04
Leg Team/Squad leader (HHC 1-503, 2ID, OIF): Feb 04 - Dec 05
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Post by Nomad »

stlouismike20 wrote:Roger Ranger EvilCouch
Are you simply fucking retarded? RgrPuck told you to shut your fucking cumdumpster and you keep running your suck .

Here is something for you to think about:

No one on here, not even the most kind members of the board, give a flying fuck whether or not you get the contract you want. For christ's fucking sake, you needed your wife to come on here to bail you out of the shitstorm you created.

How about this: Follow the instructions and resist the temptation to respond.

You don't know a fucking thing about anything related to the topics you want to talk about most - English and anything "Ranger". Hence, it is good for you to not post and instead to read.

Got it?
Horned Toad
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Post by Horned Toad »

borebrush wrote:
Horned Toad wrote: Can I have your autograph someday?
Ranger Horned Toad... you haven't even gotten mine yet! :lol: :lol: :lol:
that’s cause I’m not a sailor and no, I don’t want your phone number :!:
75th RGR RGT 91-94
RS 03-92
Horned Toad
Posts: 3840
Joined: November 26th, 2003, 1:27 am

Post by Horned Toad »

Teufelhunde wrote:The Rangers have been WAY too patient with you.

it not called being patient, its called giving em enough rope, its okay though, I know you Marines have a hard time with subtlety :o
75th RGR RGT 91-94
RS 03-92

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