35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Questions and Answers about obtaining an Option 40 Contract and other routes to serving as a Ranger in the US Army.
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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by goon175 »

I sincerely doubt that you will get 35F with an opt. 40. Regardless of how long you wait or how much hard ball you play. 35F by itself is a hard job to get, let alone getting high speed options along with it. Something for everyones S.A. on the option 40 deal: All the option 40's for FY 2011 have been taken for the main jobs (11x, 13F, 68W), the only jobs that are coming with it are the E co. - type jobs (88M, 92Y, etc.). Some times the ROC "makes" jobs, and guys get the option, not sure how this works, all I know is it rarely happens and the only times I have heard of it happening are from some of the FS's on this site. My best advice for Ranger hopefulls is to atleast get an option 4 (which you will still have to fight for if your going in as 11x). The intel NCOIC from Regiment gave very pertinent advice: Get an airborne slot, and if you are what the 75th is looking for, you will have the opportunity to apply in AIT or Airborne (especially for the non 11x guys, they are a dime a dozen to regiment). That is contrary to the advice most offer on here, but the reality is that the economy sucks and the Army isn't as willing to bend over backwards for applicants like they used to, because the mission is being met with out it - 'take it or leave it' mentality . I have also talked with the regimental recruiter, and apparently they are trending towards less option 40's and more recruiting in AIT's/OSUT (proven PT scores/performance). Also, you need to review the USAREC message I posted saying what the requirements for an option 40 are, so you don't join with a 105 GT score thinking you can pick up a RASP slot in airborne (won't happen). One more piece of advice: If you can't get that elusive Opt. 40, take a 3 year contract for an MOS that Regiment takes as back up in case things don't work out in AIT. That way your re-enlistment window opens up only a year into your contract, and you can re-enlist for a RASP slot (you have a lot more negotiating power at re-enlistment as opposed to your initial enlistment).

Terrence- There isn't a whole lot of guys that go intel that are also looking at Ranger, so if you are in great shape and are a performer, I don't see it being an issue for you down the road in AIT. (correct me if I am wrong you intel guys on here)
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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by Terrence_87 »

Ranger Goon175,

That sounds like really good advice. I appreciate your wisdom.

As far as the GT score, I'm in ok shape with a 136. And my PT is improving slowly, but surely. But honestly, I'm still undecided if I want a non-option 40 contract. And the more research I perform on 18x, the more enticing it seems. I told my recruiter that I would have a decision for him by 1300 20101203, but this process may require more time and thought.

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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by GoldCoast »

Most 35F's are not gung-ho Airborne Ranger wannabes. And that is being generous. If you are a soft skill you will certainly have the chance to volunteer for RASP during AIT or Airborne School, or both. Judging by what you've written you're already committed to the 18X program, whether you realize it yourself or not. As an initial entry Soldier I strongly counsel you to re-think that option; 18X is a HARD row to hoe, and it can be a roll of the dice whether you succeed. The Ranger Regiment is not an easy accomplishment either, but they are BIG on teaching their Junior Enlisted Soldiers (Privates). You will learn more there at a faster rate than anywhere else in the Army. It will prepare you to do greater things in the Military than you can imagine if that's what you wish to do. SF will always be an option for you; however, there is no better 'bringing up' in the Army than the Ranger Regiment.
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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by Terrence_87 »

Funny that you should say that, Ranger Goldcoast. I already told my recruiter to reserve me an 18x slot, with hopes that I end up as 18E. I only "decided" on that option after I was told it was impossible for me to be guaranteed attachment to some high speed unit, or any Infantry unit at all. When I asked about option 4, again, he seemed uninterested and unhopeful.

I also told him that my decision would not be final until my contract is signed. My new MEPS date is 20101209.

Ranger Goldcoast, your post made it abundantly clear that 11b isn't my style of game, right now.

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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by Terrence_87 »

I agree with you wholeheartedly, Ranger Lunch.

My consideration for 18x rested on what I've heard in those SF promotional ads... 'the thinking warrior,' 'the problem solving, unusual and independent soldier,' etc. The emphasis on mental toughness (both natural and acquired) is what attracted me to the MOS and to the contract option.

11B is not my cup of tea because I'm uninterested in being a regular speed soldier in any capacity. From what I've read on this website alone, there is a obligatory respect between combat Rangers and regular infantry soldiers but, frankly, the Rangers seem to look down on the non-Ranger 11x's for a motley of reasons. I refuse to be a member of a brotherhood that is not the best. I need to surround myself with the highest caliber of soldier I can.

Of course, one could ask why not go 11x w/ opt. 40. I absolutely respect what the combat Rangers do, but that lifestyle does not propel me toward my personal goals in or out of uniform. If I were forced to choose between becoming a SF soldier and an 11x Ranger, I would pick 18x because I favor their missions and their approach. I think that their pipeline would equip me to accomplish my long term goals than the 11x Ranger pipeline.

In the end, I think my best plan is to become a 35F and pray that I am afforded the opportunity to try out for the Regiment. I am trusting your Senior Intelligence NCO and aiming for 35F + airborne slot.

Thanks for looking out for me, Ranger Lunch. I look forward to providing the best damn intel/support for your Regiment soon.

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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by GoldCoast »

Time for a little tough love. I think you need to put a little extra starch in you drawers because they are about to be wrinkled:
Terrence_87 wrote:I agree with you wholeheartedly, Ranger Lunch.
11B is not my cup of tea because I'm uninterested in being a regular speed soldier in any capacity. -Terrence
11B's make up roughly 10% of the Army. The rest are 'regular Soldiers' in various capacities.
Terrence_87 wrote:IFrom what I've read on this website alone, there is a obligatory respect between combat Rangers and regular infantry soldiers but, frankly, the Rangers seem to look down on the non-Ranger 11x's for a motley of reasons. I refuse to be a member of a brotherhood that is not the best. I need to surround myself with the highest caliber of soldier I can. -Terrence
It is not obligatory respect, it is earned on a case by case basis. Rangers look down on quitters, the willfully ignorant, and douche bags.
Terrence_87 wrote:IOf course, one could ask why not go 11x w/ opt. 40. I absolutely respect what the combat Rangers do, but that lifestyle does not propel me toward my personal goals in or out of uniform. If I were forced to choose between becoming a SF soldier and an 11x Ranger, I would pick 18x because I favor their missions and their approach. I think that their pipeline would equip me to accomplish my long term goals than the 11x Ranger pipeline. -Terrence
Your typing tells me that everything before the "comma but" is bullshit and you don't really believe it. Listen, if you want to see the bad guys up close and personal, and rain pain down on them, then any sort of soft skill MOS will be shooting yourself in the foot. I initially enlisted as a Communications Specialist and earned my way to Second Ranger Battalion. I have pretty much spent the rest of my career trying to catch up to the 11B's who are where I want to be. All the best leadership I ever had were 11B's, and the top ten list of men I respect in and out of uniform... you guessed it - 11B's.

Besides, and I promise this is true, you don't know what SF does. You were advertised at in a recruiter's video.

What are your personal goals out of uniform? There are very few, if ANY military skill sets which prepare you for a civilian career. All the training you receive while in the military will be to a 'Military' standard and on 'Military' equipment (meaning that civilians don't have that shit available to them 99% of the time).
Terrence_87 wrote:IIn the end, I think my best plan is to become a 35F and pray that I am afforded the opportunity to try out for the Regiment. I am trusting your Senior Intelligence NCO and aiming for 35F + airborne slot. -Terrence
If he says the recruiters will be along, then 'nuff said. Ranger Regiment recruits heavily in the 'soft skill' world because someone with the mentality that 'they are too good for 11B' or 'too smart for 11B' or 'don't want to just be an 11B' usually is not physically tough enough to be an 11B in the Ranger Regiment, nor even mentally tough enough to try it! Soft skills in the 75th Ranger Regiment are the rare duck who decided to learn some extra on their path to becoming an American badass. Frankly, judging by your impatient and wish washy posts I am starting to doubt your ability to stick it through. I admire your drive to volunteer, but it takes a lot more than that.
Terrence_87 wrote:IThanks for looking out for me, Ranger Lunch. I look forward to providing the best damn intel/support for your Regiment soon.-Terrence
Do what Ranger Lunch said; take two steps back from the keyboard, understand that this is a SERIOUS commitment, and do some soul searching. When you have a good grasp on your life goals post them on here. If you still need advice then ask for it. We can't help you if your mind isn't made up.
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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by Jim »

Terrence, I would tell you that you have gotten more serious, no shit, wisdom than most. Far more than I ever got, and I suspect most of us did not get this kind of attention. If it were me, I would focus on MOS and airborne. If you are competent, the rest will take care of itself. Potentials are a dime a dozen -- earn this!
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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by Terrence_87 »


I've taken your advice.

My life goals (in no particular order):

Raise a family
To be broken down and rebuilt at some point
Learn a foreign language
Feel like I've changed someone's life for the better
I'm a protector at heart, so I want someone to look out for
Grow humbled
Find a career path to enjoy
Write another book
Take care of my parents
Learn to catch, gut, scale and cook a fish
Learn mountaineering and kayaking
Continually push my mental breaking point
Continually push my physical breaking point
Breakthrough to a youngster when I'm old
Get my little brother on a better track
Keep active
Have money for my kids when they are ready for college/adulthood
Accomplish whatever I want

I'm sure someone is going to read this and say it is bullshit, say that it is the manifesto of a young, "unproven" kid who doesn't know a damn thing about life yet. To that person - "...say what you may."

Ranger GoldCoast and Ranger Zonk 1/75,

I'm wishy washy because I understand the gravity of this decision, whether it is 35F, or 18x, or 11B, or Ranger, or any other MOS. I understand this commitment. Is it wrong to feel that there are multiple avenues where I think that I can be trained and become an asset in the armed services? I am confident in my capacity to learn, adapt and grow. If my confidence is ill-received, my apologies, but that's how I was raised. I keep my chest high and chin low.

When I sign and recite I intend to pledge my life and put my well-being behind the needs of my unit. If there is one thing I know in my heart, Rangers, it is that.

But, of course, proven Rangers will never believe in anyone until they see it. Unproven civilians have no voice worthy of their ears. That's alright. I do not need nor expect any of you Rangers to welcome me into your Regiment with open arms and a parade, even if I succeed at RASP. My goal will never be to impress the Rangers of the 75th with my skills, or charm, or humor, or anything, at any point in my career. My goal will be mission accomplishment. Acceptance as a "proven" Ranger is secondary.

Rangers, thank you.


(I can only image the heat I'm about to take for this post.)
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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by GoldCoast »

I had a big reply planned, but decided against it. I'm going to sum it up briefly in bullet format:

1. Your life goals are admirable, if you pursue them then you are better off than a lot of people I know.

2. You write like someone who provokes drama. Rangers don't have time for it, particularly from a Private. Stop putting in more than is necessary, because you are right - no one knows you, and no one cares. After you build a reputation for your self folks might start caring what you think. It takes a few years to accomplish that. Typing too much at this stage just gets everyone's hackles up.

3. Stick to answers for questions you were asked, updates about your status (minus a bunch of commentary) and questions you have.

I hope that helps. If you're as trainable as you claim maybe it will.
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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by Invictus »

Zonk 1/75 wrote:Terrence, nobody here expects you to impress them. Your intentionally snide replies speak volumes.

Here is a suggestion……..

Go to a SF forum, if there is one, and tell them of your intentions.

Gain the personal assistance of a SF soldier to include PM’s and contact phone numbers at SF to get the info that you desire.

Get the straight scoop from SF.

On their forum publicly dismiss the info that you have received from SF guys trying to help you and then go on about how you have no intention of making any effort to impress any of them.

Let us know how that goes.
:D That is all.
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Re: 35F + Option 40 = impossible, according to MEPS

Post by cams »

This cat reminds me of "Charles" from MASH.
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