Marines or Army Infantry man?

Basic & AIT

Post by Ranger2 »

Marines are far better trained and are better soldiers. Rangers usually just talk big and never follow it up with any action. So you just go right ahead and join the Marines. I am sure they will love you. Just tell them they are the best and they will let you in.


Post by Ranger2 »

Seriously though, if not Rangers then 82nd at least you would be airborne. I would rather be in the Marines then in the 10th Mountain.

There is nothing wrong with the Marines. Probably if I hadn't gotten a Ranger contract I would have signed up with the Marines.


Post by Saltbitch »

He'd better be a Ranger....otherwise, he's violated the forum rules and will be danger close to your claymore. He'd better know the running password, or he'll be reading 'Front Toward Enemy' at about 24,000 fps.

Post by Spartan »

Freed Y wrote:There's a list of past COs and CSMs in the back of the book To be a US Army Ranger by Russ Bryant.
I've been looking all over for that book. Do you know where I may be able to pick up a copy? :lol:

URL anyone?

Post by Ranger2 »


I like your aviatar.


Post by Oops19 »

no i am just a DEPer. i know it's rude having the word ranger in my screen name. i am not trying to disrespect any of you. now i have tried to change my screen name but didn't have any luck. if you guys would tell me how to change it i'd really appreciate it.

again i didn't mean to offend any of you rangers and i should have read the site's policy a little more carefully.

PS: ship date: feb 2 to fort benning
mos: 11x
contract:option 40
Posts: 550
Joined: December 23rd, 2002, 4:28 am

Post by Ranger »

Your name has been changed to Oops19. Welcome aboard. Nice recovery. Drive on.

Post by Oops19 »

you really can't compare the marines with the army. both have different missions. do you guys know what i mean? so we can't really say what ever forces is better.however you can have an opinion about.

if the marines had the same mission the army has, why wouldn't we have just one of them the marines or the army.i mean it'd be a waste of money. do you guys know what i am saying?

the point i am making is that i don't think that we can compare the marines with the army.each one of them is different.

Post by Ranger2 »

I do think at times there is too much overlap in the military. Each branch wants to do what the other is doing and in the meantime each branch creates something that the other is already doing. I don't even understand why we have branches. Why does the Navy have the SEALS? Do we really need to add the Marines to Special Ops? At times the military seems to create more expenses instead of looking if someone is already doing the job. Interservice rivailry is not always good, money is wasted in overlapping jobs.


Post by Saltbitch »

GREAT. Just what we need; another intellectual giant with Depshit status. Way to go, wonderboy. Hell, you just made the All-Star Team. :x
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