Is knife fighting irrelevant?

Hand to Hand, Combative Skills, etc...
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Post by Bell »

I feel the military taught me well in the art of knife fighting. If a man comes at you with a knife in a military situation he probably knows how to use it. Anyone in a knife fight will get cut. The wrist, the arm whatever. The best strategy in a knife fight is a .45 to the brain or 556 center body mass. Works everytime and ya don't get cut.

Never get in a knife fight without a gun.


Post by Rgr_MindRiot »

Nice Emerson LN, bought my nephew one when he started the police academy :D I had been trying to decide on what my next blade would be when i saw an article on a "Karambit". The blade was a little too specialized for my taste but i did like the general idea of the blade shape. So, i bought an Emerson PSARK and it is now my EDC. Love Emerson blades.
As far as sentry removal with an edged weapon i recommend, longer blade, more training, anatomy class, and plan "B".

Post by Bell »

A garrotote takes just as much or more practice than a knife. Garrote's don't always work as intended and if it hangs on anything ya got a screaming wild man on your hands.

Fellas, that shit don't work like it does in the movies. One hit in the head don't usually put a man down. Makes him woozy, pisses him off and now ya got a fight.

Don't worry about all that hollyweed shit. The army will show you how to do it. And even then it doesn't always work. Silenced .22 is the most effective take down method I ever encountered.


Post by Spartan »

Whenever there is a prospect for knife fighting, I usually try to bring this knife with me:

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