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Post by CTIgrl »

she donates a lot to www.starsforstripes.com

I don't really care for the song, but I have a lot of respect for anyone who's willing to travel around supporting the troops. If they do it for PR, does it really matter? If it makes the troops happy, isn't that enough?
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Post by Steadfast »

I heard last evening on the radio that Honda vehicles have the least emissions of all brands. GM (an American brand) is the worst on clean air emissions. I like Spartan drive a Honda Element. It runs on regular gas, gets better gas mileage than my Nissan Stanza, the predecessor to the Altima. Has AWD and plenty of room for camping gear and drives along comfortably. One thing it ain't got is power. Since I haven't had it long enough (through a winter) I'll let you know next year how it does! :lol:

Thanks for the heads-up CD. :lol:

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Post by RRDTm3 »

I am co-producing/techinal advising next weekend on a video that is all about this same topic. Every dime of profit goes to the SOWF. Hopefully it will make its debut on CMT and other country music stations by spring.
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Post by Ranger2 »

I drive a big ass Ford Expedition. It is like a tank. All leather and 15 miles to the gallon on a good day. :lol:

I would rather listen to a country singer singing about Patriotic stuff than some spoiled ass rocker who talks shit and doesn't know shit. We are all in it for the money, some just get paid more. :roll:

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