Video- Fallujah Airstrike

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1st Ranger

Post by 1st Ranger »

Damn, I guess I missed out. By the time that I got to see it, the link no longer works! DAMN, DAMN, DAMN, DAMN
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Post by Tankkiller275 »

Joseph PrettyDeepWater wrote:Great video! :twisted:

I don't know shit about AC-130's, but I was just wondering what hit the terrorists, a dropped bomb, laser guided missle, I have no clue...
Bombs or missles... The AC-130 doesn't need stinking bombs or missles.

All you have to do is a very small amount of research on the AC-130 armament, and you will answer your own question. Damn, ya gotta just be thankful that Spectre is on our side. Safety and security comes from knowing that magnificant god is flying cover.

A Co. 2/75, WPN's Plt - Ratbastard, A-T 90-93, Class 8-91

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Post by CloakAndDagger »

Nothing better than a 105mm in Air-to-Ground mode!
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Post by Mailman »

That's definetly going to hurt in the morning!!!!!! :twisted:
C co 3/75, 3rd Plt

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Post by Tankkiller275 »

Now I've seen another video that says it was an F-16 and a bomb. I may be wrong, but I would think a bomb would be juuuuust a lit bit bigger boom, especially considering that an F-16 would probably have at least a 1000 lber.

Set me straight if you believe otherwise, but I've had a 2000 lb bomb detonate 500m away, and it rocked my world something fierce. Poor bastards in the bleachers!!

A Co. 2/75, WPN's Plt - Ratbastard, A-T 90-93, Class 8-91

"I will not disgrace the soldier's arms, nor abandon the comrade who stands by my side, but whether alone or with many, I will fight to defend things sacred and profane. I will hand down my country not lessened, but larger and better than I have received it."
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