Marines pass out Gospel verse to Iraqi Muslims

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Post by Chiron »

Southoftheborder wrote:
Chiron wrote:Regrettably more convert to Islam today than to Christianity.
Well, this is essentially a sales issue. Islam has made more sales than Christianity, and I would argue that the reason is because Christians have been negligent in taking care of their market share. Apparently, the Catholic church has recently not only recognized this situation, but is also beginning to address it. Evangelistic Christians appear to see the issue, but I don't see a common marketing approach being developed -- so I would offer that the slant towards Islam is going to continue -- at least for the next 2-4 years. I do believe that the probable foreign policies and focuses of a Democratic president and congress MAY be favorable towards reversing the Islamic market advantage.
Chiron wrote:Also if you still believe that a Muslim country is or can be a democracy....
I'm raising my hand that I don't.
Chiron wrote:My opinion is that what the Marine did should be at least reason for a field grade article 15 if not worst.
At a minimum. I also think that if his squad knew what he was doing and did nothing to put an end to it, they are at fault as well. I have serious doubts anyone in his CoC knew of his activities. An Article 15 should also be the MINIMUM punishment for doing the exact same thing in a barracks -- in the US. Pushing one's religion should not be authorized, no matter who the audience is. I do also agree that this particular venue and audience are such that the punishment should be severe.
Chiron wrote:Can this action stigmatize the Marine Corps into using religion as a weapon? Or even worst can the Marine Corps be called “Christian missionariesâ€
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Post by Parabellum »

Rock Island Ranger wrote:You know....Im always amazed at outrage like this. So what he handed out coins? BFD. And so what the locals get outraged. Another BFD. And Dearborn, Michigan....fuck that whole town. State for that matter. Hope Rich Rodriquez drives off a bridge because he got black fly's in his eyes.

That is all.
Are you sure? :lol:
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Post by The Holmchicken »

Scuba Wino wrote:He should have just handed the fucktard a grenade with the pin pulled and said, "here, run like hell".
Waste of a good grenade if you ask me.
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