day to day life

Experiences of those who wear/wore the scroll.
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The Holmchicken
Posts: 3943
Joined: July 29th, 2003, 3:17 pm

Post by The Holmchicken »

Let me break it down to you. In my three years' and three months' in battalion, I suffered the following
-one hernia
-three shoulder dislocations (1st-beer slide in the blacksheep AO, 2nd-kwalafying off telephone pole in germany, 3rd-mountain phase, on the stupid trail from lowers to uppers, right before going to Yonah)
-2nd and 3rd metatarsil (?) bone in my right foot. resulted from stress fracture after 33 mile roadmarch
-crunched lower back from landing on tarmac at McCord AFB
-bruised ribs from PLFing on rock
and you know what? There were guys who got ALOT more fucked up han me and drove on. Including one guy from my company who fell out of an MH-6 little bird that was doing almost 60 knots, 20 feet in the air and broke the butt stock of an M240B across his FACE. Guess what? he went to Ranger School with me AFTER the accident and got his shit. Toughest man I've personally ever known. So yeah, guys get hurt and you probably will to. Just deal with and go on about your buisness.
2/75 97-00

It's not that I'm's that I don't care

75th RRA
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