Any Police Officers or Sheriffs out there?

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Post by GSXRanger »

How about this... I did six years active, got out, joined the Guard and became a Police Officer. Stayed in Law Enforcement for about ten or eleven years, got tired... SO TIRED of the bullshit, that I went back on Active Duty. I don't regret going back at all.

Police Work is a very rewarding career, given the right department and assignment. But, it also becomes very mundane if you let it. Take a long hard look at WHY you want to be a Police Officer. That will answer many of your questions.

In my opinion, the Military is the BEST way to serve your country. But, like Law Enforcement, if you get stuck in a job / assignment that you don't like, it can really suck.

There are times that I miss Police Work, but most of the time... not so much. During my ten plus years as a City Cop, I worked many assignments. SWAT, Field Training, Traffic, even School Resource / Gang Task Force. Every morning when I slide on my uniform now, I am proud. Looking back, I would have stayed in, retired THIS year with a full pension, then started Police Work... or something else at 38.

Give that a long hard thought...

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Post by GSXRanger »

XCrunner wrote:Well, to be honest, I never really considered law enforcement until about 2 months ago. I rode along with my cousin, a police officer in California, and it sparked my interest. I still want to serve in the military, but I see law enforcement as something to do afterwards. I'm sick of all the drug and gang bullshit that alot of my peers are into and think is cool and "tough." I guess that's some of my motivation. Thanks for the helpful information Ranger GSXRanger.
Well XCrunner, I commend you for even entertaining the idea. Put your mind to it, and you can make it happen. Give the military 100 percent, and you will get back 100 percent. Keep looking forward, NEVER back. After your first enlistment, make your decision. You are still young, and you can have TWO rewarding careers...

Now is a wonderful time to be a soldier... and an even BETTER time to be a Ranger. I have had the distinct honor to serve with and under some of the most valiant motherfuckers that ever breathed air. You are living in a time of heroes... don't ever forget that. Best of luck in your journey. Keep your focus on your goals, take it one step at a time, and never quit.

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Re: Any Police Officers or Sheriffs out there?

Post by rj50 »

XCrunner wrote:Serving my country in the military is something I have always wanted to do, and plan on doing after high school. After the a career in the military, I have been thinking about being a law enforcement officer. How many of the veterans on this forum have joined law enforcement after being in the military? Did you get any preference during the hiring process? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you veterans!
I became a Cop after I got out. I've been doing it for just over 3 years now, so my experience is somewhat limited (you'll learn that 3 years in LE is jack compared to the old timers at roll call). I recentlly tried to get back into the service, but was rejected for having hardware in my leg. Contrary to popular belief, becoming a Police Officer is harder than hell (physically it's a joke, it's just VERY competitive, few slots for alot of applicants).

With that said, I love being a Cop. I look forward to going to work everyday. It can be rewarding, but if you're uber touchy feely, you'll soon become dissillusioned. It's rewarding in the sense that you know that your presence and putting dirtbags in jail is accomplishing something small in the grand sceme of things, but it can also be very tragic (ie-crime scenes and crashes with kids involved, rape victims etc...).

Now for my non-PC answer. You see and hear the funniest shit, get into fights, chases, get to OC spray and tase assholes :twisted: . When the cool stuff happens, you'll think "I can't believe I'm getting paid to do this."

The veterans preference points aren't all they're cracked up to be. They usually only apply to the written test, which is a very small part in getting hired. The trend for departments right now is hiring the choir boys with a degree and no life experience. The good thing is, most college kids fuck up enough in college and get DQ'd (drug use or an alcohol related charge typically).

I think the military is the best preparation for a LE career there is (unless you are an exceptionally mature 18-22 year old and can manage to not fuck up in college). It forces you to live the clean life, gives you relevant life experience, and great references.

Approximately half of my academy class were young veterans, and the other half were recent college grads who acted like the station was a frat house. We embarrased them and beat their ass in all aspects (including academics), and did not get near as much heat because we knew the game. Out of the 11 of us vets, all of us made it through field training and probation (not hard to do, but you'd think otherwise looking at the stats).

Hijack: We also had a few guys who had ETS'd/retired from 10th Group who just about took over the class. They were a riot.

I'm rambling so I'll come to a close. Ask your cousin about the negative aspects that plague all departments...politics (x10, they're pretty bad), paperwork, having to CYA at every turn, being short staffed all the time=forced OT, having to be PC in front of certain co-workers who are easily offended.

I'm not sexist, but working for females can be tough at times. Most departments tend to coddle their female Officers (they get away with fuckin murder, get all the love, and seem to get promoted quicker than they should). And you can't bang them (not a good idea at least). Again be sure you talk to your cousin and get a no BS assesment before you accept a job.

Stay out of trouble, they will dig up your whole past later.

hope this helps, feel free to send a pm if you have anymore questions.

Edited to add: Because you want to be a Cop, don't think you have to go MP. Departments really don't give a fuck, because they are going to train you their way regardless. Once you're done with training and on the streets, you will already have a certain amount of respect from your partners if you have an SOF background (without slobbing the BTDT's knobs, they're everybody's favorite backup).
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Post by Earthpig »

I worked in LE for 8 years before enlisting, then for about 4 years after getting out. Find a good department, and make a positive name for yourself. Naturally, you'll have more fun (get more action) in a big city. Plus, the larger departments have more oportunities for advancement. When and if you get burned out in Patrol, transfer to SWAT, or whatever. When that gets old, become a Detective. Then make the rounds in Criminal Warrants, Homicide, Juvenile, Robbery, Auto Theft, and the assorted Task Forces. You can effectively work your way around in a large department and never become tired of your job.

While I began my LE before my military one, I did notice that most of the guys with a military background were usually higher on the hiring board than the average Joes. It will really count if you ever consider SWAT, especially if your military experience was in SpecOps.

Sounds like you have a good plan. I wish you the best in both worlds.

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Post by RANGER513 »

After 6+ years in 2nd Batt., I got out and became a cop. ( Well, a State Trooper, sorta like a cop. They give us guns, just no ammo yet ! :lol: )

With 15+ years of experience, I suggest you ask yourself WHY you want to be a cop.

The pay sucks. Your second guessed on EVERYTHING. You must make THE correct decision in .00025 seconds while attorneys will have years to make that the same decision. You get to see society at it's worse, every day.

This is NOT a job. It's a passion. If you want a " job " with good pay, look some where else. We don't want you.

If you want to stand up to the plate and make a difference, enjoy going to work everyday, and every once in a great while, recieve a heart felt hand shake from someone who could not defend themselves, then take the oath my friend.

I enjoy climbing into my car every night. How many people can say they ENJOY going to work everyday ?

Just my .02
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Post by Ford375 »

Ok young Jedi... you havn't even ENLISTED in the military yet man! Worry about one thing at a time. You won't get anything short of a 3 year enlistment, and in that time frame, your mindset, goals and aspirations WILL PROBABLY CHANGE. My suggestion is to enlist in the Army with an Option 40 contract (Ranger Battalion assignment). There is nothing that will ever top what I have experienced/accomplished in my time with 3rd Ranger Battalion. Obviously it is not for everybody, and the hard part is not getting to the Ranger Battalion, its staying there. You are on step 1, don't worry about step 150. You have plenty of time to decide on what you want to do when your out, and the military will open alot of those doors, especially in the Law Enforcement field. Over this time you will (hopefully) mature, and have a better grasp on life and what you want out of it. The world is out there man, it's up to you to make something happen.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

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