The Blood of Hero's

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The Blood of Hero's

Post by jrw2692 »

This is not only for the DEPers, but for any veteran, active duty soldier, those of us vying for an Option 40, and any citizen of the United States. This is a great production commerating those who help to maintain our way of life and our freedoms, past and present. Definatley take a look.
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Post by Earthpig »

I saw that about a year's as sobering now as it was then. I have not forgotten, but it is good to keep reminding ourselves.
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Post by Blacksrt4 »

Seems now like it just happaned a week ago. We really must not forget what the mission at hand is. We cannot let this shit happan again we must do all we can.

Post by Alden »

Very sobering indeed, Ranger EarthPig. It does seem only like yesterday I was sitting in class watching these horrific yet historic events unfold.
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Post by USA1 »

I'm from New York and I was there with my fire department. I will never forget the images I saw that day. Those images are a good part of why I made my decision with the Army.
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Post by Harris »

I was in class as well, I don't remember doing any schoolwork for the rest of the week.

When they first started showing un-edited photos/recordings of people jumping from the towers with a fellow human being in each hand, it realy wrenched my heart.
Slip away.
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Post by ImportsRsloths »

I was in class wishing i was in SF/Rangers on my way to the middle east.......

Post by Spartan »

Alden wrote:Very sobering indeed, Ranger EarthPig. It does seem only like yesterday I was sitting in class watching these horrific yet historic events unfold.
Alden: What is your status?
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Post by Steadfast »

I live in Staten Island, NY about a mile from the S.I. Ferry and the ferry is just 5 miles from the tip of Manhattan. I remember being in the clearners and the lady there telling me that a plane crashed into the tower and I could see on TV what the results were. While driving home, a mere 10 minutes from store I tuned in CBS all news station and heard someone exclaim, "my God, a second plane crashed into the other tower." I saw the tapes over and over of the 2nd craft crashing into the tower and eventaully the collapse of both.
I made no attempt to visually see this event. I guess I went into shock myself as I felt cold with no feelings for the possible dead. And at that time we had no clear enemy so who can you attack for this.
In the ensuing days I witnessed on TV and reading certain sites of the compassion of civilians who aided those who DID survive and the thousands that streamed out of Manhattan via walking the Brooklyn Brigde. That story after story as the survivors that made their way north passing through say The Village, So Ho, Chelsa and many, many more neighborhoods more and the men and woman who came out of their apartments and offered comfort to those that made their way uptown. The stories of people offering wash cloths towels, beverages seats and those that even took in people covered with soot as most survivors that fled had covering their persons. You people from all over the country should be glad and happy of the aftermath of the people of NYC helping each other to the best of their ability. Stories of great compassion is just wonderful. Normal traffic into and out of the city was chaos for weeks afterward as most highways around the city if even one emergency vehicle were to come, all cleared the way. (before 9/11 an emergency vehicle had to fight their way through traffic generally)
Here on S. I. a bit over 200 residents perished in the attacks. We have signs all around the island bearing their names now. Our Famous Rescue 5 lost 5 or 7 men besides their truck being crushed. The last picture of it responding coming out of the Battery Tunnel heading towards the WTC was the last seen of Rescue 5. And they weren't the only Fire Dept from the Island affected either. There is so much to talk about but I shall stop here. I am proud of my fellow citizen for helping those that survived with small acts of kidness. Cold bitching, horn honking cursing foul words finger showing and shoving up you know what New Yawkers really showed their true warm open hearts when the time came.
An etching on one vehicle noting 09/11/01 had this verse "With 343 firefighters up there now, Heaven sure has one hellova Fire Dept." This is just one etching of the many I have seen. Just a veteran, a resident remembering. I don't need a site to remind me of this event. It is living inside me.

4/325 82d DIV 68-69
2nd Bde HHC (LRRP), 4 ID
K Co (Rgr), 75th Inf (Abn), 4 ID
I cooked with C- 4

Post by Alden »

Ranger Spartan, I am in the DEP, I ship for Ft. Benning on 30June 2004 for OSUT with the MOS 11x. I had a medical waiver so I couldnt get an option 40 or even airborne in my contract. I took Ft. Campbell as my duty station. I plan on applying for airborne school as soon as they let me, and from there I will volunteer for RIP.
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