Warriors: Nature or Nurture (or lack of)

Experiences of those who wear/wore the scroll.

Post by Ranger2 »

All of you hero worshippers you had been learn something now. There are plenty of eating shit times as a Ranger. I remember one when we were seizing a airstrip in somewhere Nevada. I was pulling security in the desert freezing my ass off for hours and looking across the street at a casino wondering what the hell I was doing laying in the desert when others were gambling and getting drunk just yards away.

The hard tough times is what draws us all together. It isn't about wearing your Class A's and looking cool with your beret on. It is about sharing the freezing cold, the unbearable heat and the plain suffering of being a Ranger that draws Rangers together. No matter when or where you served as a Ranger you know that the other Rangers suffered the same with you or someother place. You know the feeling of too heavy a ruck or the burning of having your entire foot blistering after a 20 mile road march in 95 degree heat and 80% humidity at Benning. These guys are my brothers because we suffered together, not looking cool for the people off post. We kicked ass together and drank way too much beer together too.

As far as why I wanted to become a Ranger. My dad finally told me to get the hell out of his house. I always wanted to join the army, I had read alot about Rangers and if I was going to serve it I wanted the best chance of surviving and I figured that was with the best trained soldiers. At that point it was easy, went down and signed up.

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Shake n Bake
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Post by Shake n Bake »

AZRanger1 wrote:Hey Shake n Bake...

WTF is a K-9 fidelity??? Does this mean we run around playing follow the leader and what not? or licking my balls every chance I get while I am not playing with my master?

K-9 fidelity as in loyal as a dog.

Stop busting my balls.

Post by Spartan »

Shake n Bake wrote:K-9 fidelity as in loyal as a dog. Stop busting my balls.
Here we go. :twisted:
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Post by Harris »

Oh no he didn't *in tone of Shaniqua*
Slip away.
(Badmuther's Bitch)
being held hostage in sandhill...
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Shake n Bake
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Joined: November 26th, 2003, 8:10 am

Post by Shake n Bake »

Whatever, Ranger

I'am sorry I said anything and lets leave it at that.

Post by RangerDC »

S & B,

Man you should know better. There is no way your getting out of this one unscaved! Just the mention of dropping it brings on the wrath. :twisted: I would suggest you prepare for a very classic verbal smoking complete with the all the sarcasim only a Ranger can deliver.

Perhaps you should just elevate your feet now?

Post by Saltbitch »

Leave it, eh? The best your gonna be able to do is leave with it. For starters, it's pretty funny that you chose shake'n'bake as your username. Do you know what it means in military terms? It's a derrogatory term used by real soldiers to 'express' their disgust for an immature leader. More specifically, to describe someone in a leadership position that did not earn it in the truest respect, but merely went to a school. 'Instant NCO' I think is the term Vietnam-era guys use....I digress.

You, are a lot like your username; hence the history lesson. Do you understand? Let me explain.

Don't come on here with you queer-ass idea of 'what being a soldier means to me' posts. That's a question that only someone who has soldiered can answer. Anyone else is just talking out of their ass. You don't qualify to give your opinions on being a warrior on this board. Don't think because you 'signed up' on a website that you can come in OUR FUCKING HOUSE, and tell a RANGER to just 'leave it alone' and to 'stop busting your balls'. You hold ZERO authority here, and your comments aren't worth much more. You don't have anything useful to contribute, yet you still feel compelled to post. Why is that? Because boy, you don't know your place.

I'll give you a clue; this IS NOT your place. So you really have only three choices: Suck it up, Shut the fuck up, or GET THE FUCK OUT.

NOW, we're finished...

Post by RangerDC »


I tried to warn you. Man can you imagine if Salt Bitch was in your face, smoking your a$$. I can see it now...."Are we done yet?" "Can't we just stop and forget I ever acted like a dumb a$$."

Man, when the rounds start going down range and they are leaving from the weapon of a highly trained, annoyed and very angray Ranger, there is no where you can hide.

Free advice???? Suck it up, move out and draw fire!
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Post by RRDTm3 »

holy fuck me running, how many guys ask this question? you are one of those guys who never gets laid because you ask the slut first instead of taking it by force just like a ORP or PATROL BASE! I bet if you asked the BTDT'S, most of them, myself included, just fucking joined with little guidance from anyone. MAN UP or go navy!
A co 3/75
Ranger Instructor 4th RTB
H co LRS

"I will never out rank stupid people"

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Post by Mailman »

Hey Stew, I remember that iron chair incident :lol: That was funny stuff!!
I also remember when they(newly tabbed E-4's) made you answer Sgt Sherwood with a big "WHAT" after he said something to you. So not only does the field suck sometimes, but so does just sitting around back in Garrison.
C co 3/75, 3rd Plt

"I didn't want to hurt them, I only wanted to kill them." -David Berkowitz-
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